Posted: 2018-09-09 14:05:00

I am delighted that the PM believes that "kids should be able to do Christmas plays".

I trust he also believes that all schools should be able to gives kids a day off to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. - Ian Falconer, Turramurra

I welcome Scott Morrison's decision to ensure religious freedom, just as I embrace his call to love all Australians.

The challenge for Mr Morrison and for all who believe in Jesus Christ is the need for that love to find real expression in the care of the poor, the outcast and the marginalised - Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

One can only hope that the new laws for religious freedom the PM pledges will include provisions for atheists to make it clear that there is no God.

The whole "Christian values" thing is a furphy. Forgiveness and compassion exist in secular societies as much as in any God-fearing ones. - Carsten Burmeister, Coffs Harbour

Morrison's claim not to be a "cultural warrior" simply lacks credibility.

One cannot reasonably make such a claim while simultaneously advocating some unexplained "freedom of religion" laws on the ground, as he says in the interview, "that's our culture". The contradiction is evident. - Andrew Thomas, Leichhardt

Does the PM's vow to change laws to protect religious freedom apply to all religions or only Christianity?

The separation of church and state is disappearing under this government. - Sandra Burke, North Sydney

Even non-religious Australians should welcome the PM's commitment to protecting religious freedom.

Religious freedom is the canary in the mine of social liberty. If it's lost then soon enough scientists, health professionals, parents, children and everyone else will lose the freedom to speak or act in ways that question or oppose powerful progressive ideologies. - Richard Sweatman, Rankin Park

The first lesson for any new PM is to learn why the separation the affairs of state and religion is critical: it simply enables societies to grow and prosper on all levels. - Robert Creed, Batemans Bay

When will Australia ever be blessed with a leader who recognises that her or his prime responsibility is to promote unity across our diverse nation? By poking the bigoted bear again, Morrison has shown he is incapable of binding our country's wounds. - Bert Candy, Glenvale (Qld)

Wagga result a day of judgment for Libs

The behaviour of Liberal Party politicians has had its first reckoning, with a collapse of their vote in the Wagga byelection ("Independent Joe McGirr on track for historic Wagga win",, September 9).

Electors, even in strong conservative seats, will not tolerate politicians or political parties who are blatantly concerned with outcomes purely for themselves.

That is the judgment deservedly accorded to the Liberal Party, whose relevance and even survival is now very much in question. - Rod Milliken, Greenwell Point

The Liberal Party has been dumped in the byelection

What else could it expect when its management strategy is to sell the farm, spend billions on rebuilding stadiums when an ARL final can only attract 25,000 and build toll roads instead of non-toll roads.

There comes a time when you must give the people what they need and not what you think they want, irrespective of the political party you represent. - DÁrcy Hardy, North Turramurra

Your letter writer reflects on an "extremely lacklustre performance in parts of NSW outside Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong" (Letters, September 8-9).

Let me assure your correspondent that the NSW government also has a poor performance in Wollongong.

Here most of the proceeds from the lease of Port Kembla were siphoned off to Sydney, start of construction of a much needed grade separation at the foot of the Mount Ousley road has been put off for years, and some commuter trains have some people standing for over an hour.

Add to all this that at present, none of the $4 billion from the sale of the NSW share of the Snowy Hydro Scheme to be applied to regional NSW will going to either Newcastle or Wollongong.

It used to be said that NSW meant Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong; increasingly it is North Sydney, Sydney and Western Sydney. - Philip Laird, Keiraville

We in the country do not like to be ignored. A state election is due in March, which means the Liberals and Nationals are trying to make up for lost support in promising our electorates the world.

Well done Wagga in realising country areas are not a priority for this government. - Robyn Lewis, Raglan

After the Wagga Wagga byelection I would like to thank Abbott, Dutton, Jones, Hadley, Bolt and other assorted acolytes of Murdoch for making the Liberal Party brand so toxic.

Please bring on the byelection for Wentworth so that I can thank you a second time. - Ron Brown, Wallsend

The naked truth

What's the go with 3 per cent of respondents to the readers' panel being unsure if they'd ever done a nude run outside the home (Readers panel, September 8-9)? Perhaps they have difficulty distinguishing a run from a jog or a brisk stroll. - Col Shephard, Yamba

The gender divide

It isn't that women claim to be better than men, but that if all candidates for each party were chosen only on their capacity to do a good job for the electorate, there would already be a roughly 50-50 gender balance in Parliament (Letters, September 8-9). - Sandra Pertot, Diamond Beach

There's a precedent here

Boris Johnson is said to be after the top job ("Bonking Boris" elicits leadership whispers, September 8-9). That self-promoting, erratic, disruptive, unpredictable fellow with weird hair and an eye for the ladies?

Such a thing could never happen. Oh, hang on. - Joan Brown, Orange

Visa parallels

George Fishman is correct, the au pairs arriving on tourist visas pose no threat to our security, in fact no more than do the refugees on Manus and Nauru (Letters, September 8-9). Perhaps then that's the "serious questions" he so casually dismisses. - Rodney Crute, Hunters Hill

Naomi Osaka celebrates her victory.

Naomi Osaka celebrates her victory.

Photo: Ap

Osaka gives Williams lesson on and off court

Naomi Osaka showed extraordinary composure in the face of the Serena Williams princess drama show ("Sexist power play ruins powerful US Open final",, September 9).

A deserving champion who was denied the true joy of her victory.

She did, however, give Williams a lesson in humility. - Martyn Baker, Bellevue Hill

The behaviour of Serena Williams at the US Open must rate as the worst in tennis history.

It outranks outbursts by Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe and our own Pat Cash.

The game is always bigger than the player.

Let's hope Williams receives a ban for a long time. A case of "decide in haste and repent at leisure".

A good hit to the back pocket should bring Williams to her senses. - Michael Wilson, St Ives

Mosman Rowers splash

The loss of Mosman Rowers would be a disaster ("Shock and oar as club fights to survive", September 8-9).

We note the government's statement that Rowers will not be lost, but the refusal to re-negotiate the lease with the current incumbent is really about flogging off yet another bit of harbour foreshore to the nearest developer. - Margaret Brown, Point Clare

Fire risks increased

In his letter about land clearing, Geoff Black states that "it is also reducing a fire hazard" (Letters, September 8-9).

In fact, a wind-driven wildfire can rip through dry crops or grass at lightning speed, much faster than through a forest. Much more difficult to control too. So land clearing is actually increasing a fire hazard.

Bruce Stafford, Tascott

Amazon cost

It should be no surprise that Jeff Bezos is the world's wealthiest man ("Workers lift the lid on cult-like Amazon 'hellscape"', September 8-9).

Neither should the practices of Amazon be a revelation, since it is based upon his use of the practice of third-party hiring, which offers reduced working conditions, such as holiday pay, long service leave and for the government less taxation contributions.

It may have worked for Bezos overseas, but do we want it for Australia? - Ted Wilson, Middle Cove

I wonder how much tax Amazon will end up paying to the ATO? - Bob Jackson, Forest Lodge

NSW Health out of touch

How disappointing to read NSW Health's somewhat dismissive response to the Royal Hospital for Women's amazing story and research on Family Integrated Care in their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for premature babies and their parents. ("Mother's healing power of touch", September 8-9).

It shows how out of touch NSW Health Department officials are.

Kangaroo Care has been around since the late 1980s and since then there have been roughly 500 research studies published on the practice.

Overwhelmingly Kangaroo Care has been found to positively increase measures of infant growth, breastfeeding and parent‐infant attachment. - Joy Heads, Wollstonecraft

Fair price for milk

Dairy farmers are not asking for charity, they simply want to be paid a fair price for the milk they produce (Letters,September 8-9).

Why not place collection boxes at supermarket checkouts asking customers to contribute what they believe is a fair price for each litre of milk bought (less the $1 they paid).

All funds to go directly to the farmers with no margin for the retailers. - Sheena Cole, Rozelle

School funding issue

There is a lot of discussion about parental choice in deciding which schools they want their children to attend ("School shopping", September 8-9).

The other side of the equation is a school's ability to choose its students. Private schools and some public schools are able to do this and this places them at a great advantage.

Most public schools are obligated to accept all enrolments from their particular drawing areas. Of course that is a very good thing but it does mean that the mix of students is invariably much greater than at schools that can exclude the students they do not desire.

The result is that we now have a very unequal schooling system. Fair funding for our public schools would help tremendously but the current federal government continually fails in this regard - Christiaan Goudkamp, Murwillumbah

Maria Kaivananga wanted the best for her children and researched the local public high school to truly see what this school offered .

She did not base her decision on rumour and innuendo. Her children have not been let down. - John Cotterill, Kingford

Oh dear, au pairs

The answer to two of Australia's most critical problems is obvious ("Under siege, Dutton's plan is clear", September 8-9).

Asylum seekers on Nauru need to rebadge themselves as au pairs (no qualifications needed) of which there is apparently a dire shortage in Australia.

Peter Dutton can then grant them instant visas. A win-win situation for all. - Penelope Smith, Lane Cove

Toll road troubles

Every rock overturned in relation to the WestConnex project reveals the growing fraud against the NSW taxpayers in support of the big end of town by the likes of Transurban and corporations who pour political donations into the Liberal and Labor party coffers ("WestConnex contract dispute to end up at arbitration hearing", September 8-9).

A strong Labor opposition would have shown courage and opposed this project when the NSW government failed to produce a full business case and traffic modelling; rather than sitting on the fence complaining against tolls and allowing all stages of the toll road and the sale to Transurban to proceed.

Funding priority should be invested into mass public transport and other vital services.- Sandra Langtree, Lilyfield

Image boost

Perhaps if there had been more "gender whisperers" when I was at school, I wouldn't have spent so long feeling like a defective girl instead of a confident and fully realised non-binary person (Letters, September 8-9).

Having the vocabulary to describe yourself does wonders for your self-image. - Ry Feder, North Avoca

Fearing Trump

Your editorial showed Donald Trump's irrationality is matched by his amorality ("Trump is turning US politics into a freak show", September 8-9).

He is unable to accept basic simple facts and he has no principles to guide his decision-making.

The world has good reason to fear what Trump, unrestrained by reason or morality, will do next. - Mark Porter, New Lambton

My current image of the US government is of a bull in a china shop with chains on nose and all four feet held by staff desperately trying to protect the pottery. - Barry Riley, Woy Woy

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