Posted: 2018-09-12 03:25:08

The ACT was the only state or territory to record a higher than average number of fatal drownings last financial year, as the number of drowning deaths in Australia hit a record low.

The Royal Life Saving Society's national drowning report, released on Wednesday, shows that three people fatally drowned in the ACT in 2017-18.

Lake Ginninderra was the site of one of the three drowning deaths to occur in the ACT last financial year.

Lake Ginninderra was the site of one of the three drowning deaths to occur in the ACT last financial year.

Photo: Don Taylor

All three victims were men. One of them, Peter Trueman, drowned in Lake Ginninderra on Christmas Day. It is understood the other two drowned at Casuarina Sands, a popular swimming spot in the Murrumbidgee River, and in Bulgar Creek.

While the total of three represents a decrease on the 2016-17 figure of four drowning deaths in the ACT, the number is higher than the territory's 10-year average of two drowning deaths per year.

Victoria and South Australia recorded 2017-18 drowning death tolls equal to their 10-year averages, while every other state or territory saw a lower than average number.

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