Posted: 2024-05-27 13:12:22

The wife had asked police to escort her to this home during the Easter long weekend to retrieve her belongings after informing them she had left the relationship due to ongoing domestic violence issues, although she had never reported the incidents to police.

WA Police Minister Paul Papalia confirmed Bombara had no criminal record, and had legally possessed 11 guns under a recreational licence, and two handguns – understood to be Glocks – under a collector’s licence.

“This individual, sadly was a fit and proper person right up until the time he committed that act. He was a law-abiding firearms owner right up until he wasn’t,” Papalia said.

“And under the current law, that’s what happens, that’s why we want to make these laws tougher.”

WA’s gun legislation is being debated in parliament. Proposed reforms would make the state’s laws the toughest in the country but Premier Roger Cook has now asked the state’s police commissioner to review the reforms even further.

“This [tragedy] just highlights the need to finally sort our gun laws out once and for all,” Cook said.

“There is no reason a person living in Mosman Park should be able to legally own 13 guns. It’s hard to fathom: one man, 13 guns, legally owned right in the suburbs of Perth.”

Under current laws, any adult can apply for a licence to own a rifle or shotgun for recreation and hunting. Those applying to own more highly restricted weapons, such as a handgun or pistol, must prove they have a genuine need.

The proposed reforms will make it harder to obtain a licence, limit the number of guns people can hold (10 for farmers and gun club members, five for recreational shooters), tighten storage requirements and mandate health check-ins for licence-holders.

The Bombara family are second-generation property developers who have held large parcels of land, including farming properties, in WA since the 1960s.

Several ministers and the opposition have disagreed with the deaths not being classified as domestic violence, however, Deputy Premier Rita Saffioti said semantics ultimately didn’t change what had happened.

“I think we all would agree it’s considered an act of domestic violence,” she said.

“There are some technicalities that police are working through, but I think from all of our perspectives, I think anyone who has watched this horrific act on Friday would link it to family and domestic violence.”


Tributes are accumulating outside the Petelczycs’ house as loved ones gather around the only surviving member of the family, Jennifer’s eldest daughter, 23.

“They were just the most gorgeous family, and it’s just absolutely heartbreaking that this has happened,” friend Imogen Harris told 9 News Perth.

One of Gretl’s water polo teammates said: “We really want to remember them as the people they were, rather than the whole incident, or anything that’s happened.”

Gretl’s former school, St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls, the University of Western Australia where she was a current student, and her basketball club, where her mother was also the secretary, have all released tributes expressing their sadness.

“As a manager of her daughter Gretl’s team, Jenny was well known for bringing cupcakes to training and offering them to everyone, not just her team,” City Beach Basketball Club said.

Neighbours also told how Jennifer had started a group chat for residents of the street to stay in touch, and had purchased a $5000 defibrillator for anyone to use.

The killings come as a national furore continues over domestic violence, with Australians protesting in April at national rallies about the escalating death toll.

Safe Steps 1800 015 188

National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732)

Lifeline 131 114

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