Posted: 2024-06-22 21:09:41

Like clockwork, the cooling winter temperatures have brought about their fair share of sickness, leaving many Australians stuck in bed with nothing but a sore throat to keep them company

Before you start re-watching that show you've seen 1,000 times, may the smart and handsome people of ABC Entertainment suggest the following media — guaranteed to distract you from the fact one of your nostrils is stuffed and the other one won't stop running.

Documentary Now! — iview

Do you find it impossible to waste time, even when you are in the throes of what feels like scarlet fever? Then Documentary Now! might just be the sickness watch for you. The acclaimed mockumentary series is the perfect show for when you crave that sense of accomplishment, but you actually haven't learned a goddamn thing.

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The premise is simple: over four seasons, Helen Mirren introduces you to 20 minutes of madcap fake documentary that is a spoof of a famous real documentary. And no, you don't have to have seen the real thing to enjoy the satire.

For example, I have never seen 90s US political doc The War Room (I am simply too pretty), but I have had multiple hacking laughs at Bill Hader as paunchy political 'mastermind' Teddy Redbones, muttering "Go for the jugular, fat man" at his electoral candidate.

Hader and co-creator Fred Armisen are in a huge chunk of episodes doing character work that blows their SNL days out of the water. All you have to do is choose what topic your sickly little heart is craving.

Like Talking Heads? Then you're gonna love season two highlight Final Transmission, which might actually have music as good as Stop Making Sense. (No-one tell David Byrne I said that.) Or if you're more of a Herzog fan, then you should dive into two-part episode Soldier of Illusion (season four), where Alexander Skarsgård embodies the existentialist's steely demeanour while directing an episode of CBS's hottest new reality series, Bachelor Nanny.

No matter where you land in Documentary Now's four seasons, something will take you away from the couch (figuratively). It also comes with the added bonus of being able to tell your insufferable coworker that you actually got through a lot of documentaries while recovering, thanks for asking.

— Velvet Winter

Loudermilk — Netflix

Sam Loudermilk (Ron Livingston) is a former music critic and an alcoholic who has a chip on his shoulder about just about everything.

He leads a drug and alcohol recovery group in his home city of Seattle, and his deeply flawed but generally well-meaning way of going about life makes him an interesting kind of anti-hero.

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