Posted: 2024-06-28 13:14:52

WA Health is urging Western Australians travelling to Bali about a recent surge in dengue fever cases.

The number of WA dengue fever notifiable cases has tripled compared with the same time last year, up from 107 cases to 322 cases. Eighty per cent of these cases travelled to Indonesia.

Professor Paul Effler said the mosquito-borne disease could cause severe illness.

Tourists enjoy a drink in a beach bar along Seminyak beach.

Tourists enjoy a drink in a beach bar along Seminyak beach.Credit: Shutterstock

“While most people will experience mild flu-like symptoms, the disease may be fatal especially for those who become infected with dengue fever a second time,” the WA Health Communicable Disease Control Acting Director said.

“The best defence against dengue fever is to protect yourself from mosquito bites when visiting Bali or other high-risk areas.”

Symptoms of dengue fever may include fever, rash, headache, fatigue, and joint and muscle pain, with more severe disease presenting with abdominal pain, vomiting, and bleeding from the gums or nose.

There is no specific treatment for this illness, however the risk of contracting dengue fever can be significantly reduced by protecting against mosquitoes when travelling overseas.

“If you do become seriously unwell overseas it is important to seek medical attention straight away,” Professor Effler said.

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