Posted: 2024-07-01 01:59:59

For most of Robert's life, he thought scams that cheated people out of their hard-earned money were "hit-and-run" crimes. 

The scammers were quick and cruel, and after they struck, their unwitting victims never heard from them again.

He never imagined they could be "highly professional", patient and sophisticated.

But then he spent weeks on the phone speaking to "investment experts" before they stole $2,000 from him.

A 'highly professional' scam

In his late 70s, Robert* has decades of experience as a business owner who regularly invests money with legitimate firms. 

Two old man's hands resting on a computer.

Robert* considers himself to be a business savvy man.(ABC Broken Hill: Grace Atta)

After seeing advertisements on TV about the benefits of investment banking online, he decided to look into it.

In December last year, he found a professional-looking website called Wise Investments, which gave detailed information about investing money, and he registered an account.

"They sounded pretty good, and they had a sign in. So, I gave over my phone number and email address. And they rang me up the next day," Robert said.

He was eventually assigned a "financial advisor" who was not only professional and patient with him but also gave Robert a code to quote in all future calls to prevent "someone trying to scam you."

After providing his card details and paying $2,000, he was told, "Welcome to the family." 

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