Insider Inc. is hiring a full-time visual features reporter to tell photo-driven stories.
This position is on a new and expanding team that writes stories for bothBusiness InsiderandINSIDERon a variety of topics including tech, travel, food, and much more.
You’ll be writing stories like these:
We’re looking for someone with:
- Excellent writing skills
- A passion for telling visual stories
- Interest in reporting on a variety of topics
- Experience taking and editing original photos
- The ability to work at a fast pace
Copyediting skills and light HTML experience are a plus.
This is a full-time position based in our New York office. Insider Inc. offers competitive compensation and full benefits packages.
If this sounds like your dream job, APPLY HERE with a resume and cover letter telling us why you want to be our new visual features reporter.
To view all of our open positions, see our careers page.
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