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Posted: 2019-04-27 21:16:00
  • Warning: There are major spoilers ahead for “Avengers: Endgame.” Do not read ahead if you haven’t seen the movie.
  • After three watches of “Endgame,” INSIDER rounds up the best details you may have missed in the three-hour movie, including a nod to A-113 and an appearance by Howard the Duck.

Avengers: Endgame” is a satisfying conclusion to over a decade of the Marvel Universe. Moreso, it’s a giant love letter to the fans. If you put in the time and watched all 21 Marvel Cinematic Universe movies leading up to “Endgame,” you’re rewarded with nods, direct callbacks, and subtle references to the comics and movies alike.

After multiple viewings and three small notebooks filled with notes, INSIDER rounded up some of the best references you may only catch if you’ve recently rewatched some of the MCU movies. For instance, did you notice the group hand shot from the trailers is a nod to Tony’s first arc reactor in 2008’s “Iron Man”? There’s also a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it A-113 Easter egg.

I don’t think we could possibly round up every single little reference and nod to the 21 films before it. But here are some of the best. Buckle up. You may get a bit emotional by the end.

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The film opens on a shot of Hawkeye wearing an ankle monitor.

If you’re wondering why Clint Barton has an ankle monitor at the start of the movie, you shouldn’t be. We learned in “Avengers: Infinity War,” both he and Scott Lang accepted plea deals for helping Captain Ameria in “Civil War.”

He was placed under house and had all of his activity monitored. It’s unclear if he’s pardoned from wearing that at the end of “Endgame.” He did save the world after all. You would think that would earn him some sort of pass.

Clint refers to his daughter as Hawkeye.

That’s not a coincidence. Barton does mentor a future Hawkeye in the comics, named Kate Bishop. The biggest difference is that she isn’t his daughter. The most interesting bit here is that Bishop was a member of a group called the Young Avengers. Is that a hint at something to come down the line? Maybe.

In the movie, Hawkeye’s daughter is named Lila, not Kate. It seems like the MCU may be planning to make Lila a version of Bishop.

You can read more on Kate Bishop here.

At the start of the film, Nebula and Tony are playing a game. When she wins, he asks if she had fun. For a moment, she doesn’t seem to understand.

While stranded in space, Nebula and Tony pass the time by playing paper football. Nebula winds up winning the game and Tony asks her a simple question: “You have fun?”

The weight of that moment may not have meant too much in passing to some, but, if you’ve watched the “Guardians of the Galaxy” franchise, it’s one that may have made you tear up. Nebula spent so much of her life trying to please her step-father, Thanos, and in competition with her sister, Gamora. The two never had any “traditional” fun growing up.

Instead, Thanos forced Gamora and Nebula to battle each other while training them as assassins. Whenever Nebula lost (every time), Thanos replaced a part of her with a machine to try and make her Gamora’s equal.

When Nebula tells Tony she had fun, it’s probably one of the few instances she’s ever been able to say that in her life.

Tony says they have been in space for 21 days before correcting himself and saying 22.

“Avengers: Endgame” is the 22nd movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

There’s a reason Captain Marvel is able to find Tony Stark so easily in space. It’s all done off screen.

There’s a post-credits scene in “Captain Marvel” that looks as if it’s a scene from “Avengers: Endgame.” Marvel released it online for you to watch here. That scene never appears in “Endgame,” but is extremely important for understanding how Tony gets back home.

The clip shows Captain Marvel arrive at the Avengers HQ, where she meets Captain America, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, and more. She finds out Nick Fury is missing, and the scene ends.

It can be assumed this is where she also meets Tony’s fiancée, Pepper Potts. Tony has been sending her transmissions from space via his Iron Man suit. If she’s been receiving those messages, then she was likely able to tell Captain Marvel where to find Stark and Nebula.

When Tony returns to Earth, he references a bit of dialogue directly from “Avengers: Age of Ultron” while putting Cap on blast.

During Tony’s first conversation with Captain America since 2015’s “Civil War,” Tony gets very emotional and gets mad at Steve Rogers. He puts some blame on him for running away and not wanting to register as a superhero with the government to possibly prevent the Thanos snap in “Infinity War” from happening.

Ultimately, Stark tells Cap he told him that they’d win together and lose together, too. That’s a direct echo of a conversation in “Age of Ultron.”

Tony: We’re standing 300 ft below it. We’re the Avengers. We can bust arms dealer all the live long day. But that up there, THAT’S the Endgame. How were you guys planning on beating that?

Cap: Together.

Tony: We’ll lose.

Cap: Then we’ll do that together, too.

You can watch the scene here.

Tony refers to Doctor Strange as the “Bleecker Street Magician.”

In “Infinity War,” Tony kept referring to Doctor Strange as “the wizard.” Strange works out of the Sanctum Sanctorum, which is located at 177a Bleecker Street in New York City.

The planet where Thanos retires is labelled 0259-S.

It’s briefly seen on screen as Black Widow references that Thanos has used the stones again.

Thanos refers to this planet as “The Garden.” Perhaps he considers this Titan II. It may be worth mentioning that “The Avengers” No. 259 from 1963 features Nebula, a version of Captain Marvel, and the Skrulls. After watching “Captain Marvel,” I think we’ll be seeing more of the Skrulls in the future.

Here’s an easy one. After Thor kills Thanos, Rocket Raccoon asks him what he just did. Thor simply says he went for the head before peacing out.

“Endgame” has no problems leaning into memes. After “Infinity War,” fans blamed Thor when he drove Stormbreaker into Thanos’ chest instead of his head. Even Thanos told him he should have went for the head.

That’s clearly been bugging Thor, too. The next time he sees Thanos and doesn’t get the answer he wants, it’s off with his head!

Co-director Joe Russo shows up in a cameo.

Immediately following the five-year time jump, we cut to Joe Russo in a group meeting. His character is the first openly gay character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Russo told Deadline that it was important for him and his brother, co-director Anthony Russo, to have a gay character in one of their four MCU films.

He’s not the only Russo in the film. According to Russo, his two daughters make cameos in the movie as well. One of them plays Hawkeye’s daughter. Joe Russo has previously shown up in cameos in his other MCU movies – “Captain America: Civil War” and “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”

Read more: ‘Avengers’ directors teased the debut of Marvel’s first openly gay character in ‘Endgame,’ but it wasn’t at all what we expected

Jim Starlin, the creator of Thanos, also has an “Endgame” cameo.

He can also be seen in the group therapy scene and has a speaking part.

“My film debut. Had a great time with some terrific folks, like Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the script writers,” Starlin said of the moment on Facebook. “When I wasn’t busy learning my one line or getting made up I had fun chatting with them. They and director Joe Russo were exceptionally open with me and for that I sincerely thank them, even though I had to keep my mouth shut for a year and a half afterwards.”

You can see photos of him filming the scene here.

All of the Avengers appear to exhibit some signs of stages of grief.

Not everyone agrees with the five stages of grief, but people often cite them as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Some of the remaining Avengers exhibit varying degrees of these five stages in the five years that pass after killing Thanos.

A few examples:

Clint Barton/Hawkeye takes the loss of his family hard and turns to anger, murdering a countless number of people under the guise of Ronin.

The time jump was a good thing for Bruce Banner. He was able to move forward and find peace with the Hulk to merge into a version of himself that he considers the best of both worlds.

Tony has mostly accepted what has happened. He has moved on with Pepper and the two have a daughter. He initially is wary of helping the Avengers because he doesn’t want to lose what he has gained. However, it’s clear he’s still a bit haunted by the loss of Peter Parker. He keeps a photo of the two of them in his kitchen near another of his father, Howard.

Thor exhibits signs of depression and denial. He’s gained a lot of weight and Valkyrie says he usually comes out once a month to get more booze. When Rocket and the Hulk find him, he’s drunk and looks like he hasn’t showered in a while. His hair is unkempt and he has crumbs in his beard. He doesn’t even want to hear the name Thanos. Korg and Miek say they don’t use that name around him.

Natasha/Black Widow and Steve seem to be somewhere in between bargaining and denial. When Nat learns there’s the slightest chance they can bring everyone back, she’s all over it because she doesn’t want to believe their fate is set. Steve tells Natasha he goes to group meetings to tell others to move on, but they don’t. Unlike Tony and Bruce, both of them are having a difficult time finding ways to have meaning in their lives when so many people close to them were taken away.

Tony and Pepper Potts’ daughter’s name, Morgan, is a subtle comic nod.

Tony told Pepper Potts at the start of “Avengers: Infinity War” that he dreamed they had a child named Morgan. That eventually came to pass.

In “Infinity War,” Tony say Morgan is Pepper Pott’s eccentric uncle, but in the comics Morgan Stark is Tony’s cousin. He notoriously tried to take over Stark Industries several times over from Tony.

The storage unit Scott Lang was holed up in for five years was labelled 616.

That’s a reference to Earth-616, which is the universe where the MCU takes place.

Ken Jeong’s security guard is reading a book called “Terminal Breach.”

Steve Bradshaw’s book follows a president who is faced with the decision to rid of millions of lives in the Midwest when an invader threatens the country. It sounds like a depressing read after the many lives that were lost in “Infinity War.”

Jeong is one of two “Community” actors to appear in “Avengers: Endgame.” The other is Yvette Nicole Brown.

The Russo brothers were executive producers and directors on the NBC comedy. They have made it a point to add “Community” actors in their Marvel movies. Danny Pudi played a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”

“Endgame” introduces us to a version of Professor Hulk.

In “Avengers: Infinity War,” Bruce Banner was having a lot of trouble accessing the Hulk. On the film’s Blu-ray commentary, “Infinity War” co-director Joe Russo said the reason Banner had trouble accessing the Hulk was because the two hate one another and the green guy was fed up.

At the end of “Infinity War,” Banner told Hulk they needed to work on some things. They definitely did. The two have merged together and exhibit a zen-like lifestyle.

By the time we see them again in “Endgame,” it’s possible Banner and Hulk have found some peace with one another and that they’re co-existing much better since the Thanos snap. (What better way to bring people back together than by vanquishing half of the universe from existence?) Banner also may have even more control over the Hulk while he’s transformed.

When Bruce visits Thor, he tells him someone helped him when he was in a tough spot. Thor jokingly asks if it was Natasha.

In “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Natasha/Black Widow was the only one who could calm the Hulk down and get him to turn back into Bruce Banner, for the most part. They had a “Beauty and the Beast”-type romance going on and the two even considered running away together for a brief moment.

A lot of fans weren’t big on the romance and it seemed like “Endgame” was acknowledging that with Thor’s drunken joke here.

Hawkeye’s alter-ego, Ronin, is a direct nod to the comics.

Who is Ronin? Clint Barton briefly takes on the mantle of the samurai warrior in the Marvel comics. You can read more on him here.

We wouldn’t be surprised if the Ronin subplot is later addressed in the reported spin-off Disney Plus series.

Read more: There are 7 original Marvel shows coming to Disney’s streaming service – here they all are

The Hulk can be seen eating the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream named after him, Hulk-A-Hulk-A-Burning-Fudge.

While the Avengers are discussing when they should travel back in time, Bruce Banner can be seen eating the ice cream. Banner was really excited to learn about it at the start of “Infinity War” while speaking with Doctor Strange and Wong.

A-113 makes a brief appearance in the movie before the Avengers travel back in time.

Disney fans know A-113 has been hidden in Pixar and Disney movies. It’s a reference to a classroom at the California Institute of the Arts, where many animators attend college.

In “Endgame,” you can spot it in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment. As Hawkeye and Bruce Banner are doing a test run with Tony’s time travel device, the letter and numbers can briefly be seen on a screen behind Bruce. It was a lot easier to notice this on a large IMAX screen.

Read more: Disney has been hiding A-113 in its movies for years

When Captain America steps in the elevator, it’s a subtle nod to of one of the best scenes from “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”

Go back to 2014’s “The Winter Soldier” when Frank Grillo gets in the elevator with Cap. He winds up in an elevator filled with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. The problem is that they’re not S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. They’re actually Hydra, a terrorist organisation, who infiltrated the law-enforcement organisation.

Cap doesn’t realise that until he’s in the elevator with them and it leads to one of the stand-out fight sequences from the MCU. “Avengers: Endgame” uses very similar shots to the scenes from “The Winter Soldier” for the ultimate callback. You can watch the “Winter Soldier” scene here.

We don’t wind up reliving the fight again. Instead, it gets better from there.

Captain America references his controversial comic past in a hilarious moment.

Instead of busting out in a fight, Cap uses the knowledge of the Hydra infiltration to his advantage. He leans in and tells Agent Sitwell, “Hail Hydra.”

Stunned, Sitwell simply gives the mind stone over to Cap, believing he’s one of them. It’s hilarious and brilliant since the Hydra infiltration won’t be revealed for a while, but there’s an extra layer to that moment for comic fans.

In 2016, fans were shocked when it was revealed Steve Rogers was actually a sleeper Hydra agent all along in the comics. In the “Secret Empire” comics we learn he was replaced by an evil version of himself. It’s a lot and you can read more about it at Polygon if you want a run down.

When Captain America runs into himself his double says, “I can do this all day.”

That’s one of a few Cap lines repeated throughout the film. Another one comes at the end between Bucky Barnes and Cap.

The moment also probably brought to mind a popular Spider-Man meme where the real Spidey and an imposter point at each other. You can read more about that meme here.

Captain America’s behind became a running joke throughout the film, paying homage to an internet meme.

Captain America’s behind became has been a big topic of fan conversation for a while, especially after the superhero received a character poster which focused on his posterior for “Infinity War.” Twitter round

When Captain America actor Chris Evans shared the poster on Twitter he said, “It’s all been leading to this….” Unfortunately, Twitter cropped the image at first to focus on Cap’s behind leading to a lot of jokes. The Russo brothers made sure to keep this joke alive in “Endgame.”

When Tony, Ant-Man, Captain America, and Bruce Banner go back in time to 2012’s “The Avengers,” Tony comments that Cap’s old suit did nothing for his behind. Ant-Man interjects and says that’s not true, saying it’s “America’s a–.”

And so starts a small joke throughout part of the movie. After fighting himself to get control of the mind stone, Cap looks at his 2012 self passed out and agrees that it is “America’s a–.”

When Thor and Rocket Raccoon visit the events of “Thor: Ragnarok,” the Asgardians refer to Rocket as “rabbit.”

After Rocket extracts the Aether from Jane (Natalie Portman) we see him running away from a group of Asgardian guards. They can audibly be heard yelling to “get that rabbit.” This is how Thor affectionately refers to Rocket when he meets him in “Infinity War.”

Apparently, raccoons look like rabbits to Asgardians.

The original Ant-Man helmet from the comics can be seen in the 1970s.

Look closely at the tables as the camera pans across the lower third of the screens and you’ll spot Hank Pym’s comic-inspired helmet. Now, where can we get one of those for Comic Con?

Natasha and Clint reference Budapest once again.

In “Avengers,” we learn Clint and Natasha are old pals who used to work together on S.H.I.E.L.D. missions. At one point, Natasha says the Battle of New York is “just like Budapest all over again.” Clint responds by saying the two have very different memories of their time there.

On their trip to Vormir, they bring up Budapest once again. Will we ever learn what happened there? Perhaps it’s something planned for that “Black Widow” spin-off movie. Now that Nat’s dead, it seems likely it will be a prequel.

When Nebula reaches in to grab the power stone in 2014, she burns her robotic arm pretty badly. It’s a nod to “Star Wars.”

In almost every “Star Wars” movie, someone loses a limb. It’s usually an arm or a hand and Marvel started inserted it as a gag in its own movies. A big fan of the franchise himself, Marvel Studios’ president, Kevin Feige, told Cinemablend in 2015 that every Phase 2 movie of the MCU shows someone get an arm cut off.

The tradition continues in “Endgame” when Nebula sacrifices her robotic arm to grab the orb which contains the purple power stone.

A clock in the background of one scene featuring Captain America appears to read 4:26, the opening date of “Avengers: Endgame.”

When Tony and Cap head to 1970, Captain America spots his love Peggy Carter. While he’s focused on Peggy, take a look at the top corner left corner of the screen. Behind Peggy is a clock on the wall. It appears to read 4:26. It may even be perfectly between 4:25 and 4:26 to account for some of the early “Endgame” screenings in the US that started at 5 p.m. Thursday.

We finally know where Tony Stark got the name Jarvis from for his A.I. system.

When Tony bids farewell to his father, Howard Stark, in 1970, he gets in a car. The name of Howard’s driver is Jarvis.

Tony Stark goes back in time to visit and say goodbye to his father. It’s something he’s been wanting to do since 2008’s “Iron Man.”

Near the end of “Iron Man,” Tony Stark tells a press conference he never got to say goodbye to his father. In “Endgame,” he did.

When Tony goes back to 1970, he has a brief chat with his father. Howard tells Tony he’s currently expecting a child with his wife. Unbeknownst to him, that child will be Tony. Howard says his son isn’t even born yet and there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his son.

That moment hits Tony hard. Before they part, he gives his dad a hug and tells him thank you. Howard died in 1991 at the hands of The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes while brainwashed.

Some of the shots in the movie simply mirror others from earlier in the MCU. This one of Captain America and Iron Man is from “Marvel’s The Avengers.”

The first time Tony and Cap stood in this pose, they argued and belittled one another. Now, they’re working together. They have come a long way.

Tony, Captain America, and Thor strike a familiar pose when they step out to fight Thanos near the movie’s end.

The “Avengers” movies like to put Tony Stark, Thor, and Captain America side-by-side in at least one epic pose and it looks like “Endgame” will be no different. The scene above was an astute observation pointed out on Twitter.

Rocket Raccoon recreated his iconic Groot pose once again with another character.

Now that Rocket has Groot back, we expect to see that shot once again in “GotG Vol. 3,” hopefully.

After Thanos blasts the Avengers’ HQ, Hawkeye finds himself in a moment straight out of “Aliens.”

Hawkeye finds himself running from a group of Thanos’ aliens, most likely some mixture of Outriders and Chitauri that have been seen accompanying toy sets.

The scene is a direct mirror of one from James Cameron’s “Aliens.” Even the lighting is the same. Just watch this GIF and you’ll know what we’re talking about. This also may be a little flex on Disney’s part. The company recently purchased Fox’s entertainment assets in a $US71 billion acquisition and they now own the rights to the 20th Century Fox film “Aliens”among many other properties.

Howard the Duck appears in the giant final fight with all of the Marvel superheroes.

Eagle-eyed Reddit user richwhaat pointed out the duck was in the final battle. He’s teamed up with some of the remaining Ravagers. Howard the Duck first appeared in an end-credits scene to “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

Read more about the character’s Marvel history here.

War Machine is seen wearing a slightly different suit near the movie’s end.

His other one gets busted up when Thanos blows up the Avengers HQ.

In “Endgame,” Rhodey’s new suit looks more like a nice mix between Rhodey’s Iron Patriot suit and the Hulkbuster suit. A LEGO toy refers to it as the War Machine Buster.

In a nod to the comics, Captain America wields Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir.

This was one of the biggest moments that had fans cheering during “Endgame” because it’s straight out of the comics. In 1988’s “The Mighty Thor” No. 390, Cap picks up Thor’s hammer to pass it to Thor while facing off against an Egyptian god.

Back in 2015’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” the Avengers gathered around to see if anyone else was worthy of lifting Thor’s hammer. Captain America was, notably, the only one who could make the hammer budge, giving Thor pause.

Was Captain America faking it back then? Perhaps, he was just being modest.

Read more: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ finally answers a question fans have been wondering since ‘Age of Ultron’

Once everyone arrives to the battlefield, Captain America finally says an iconic line from the comics, “Avengers Assemble.”

When Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, the Wakandians, Asgardians, Guardians of the Galaxy, and more join the fight, Captain America rallies them together with the battle cry, “Avengers Assemble!”

The iconic comic line is first uttered by Thor in the comics, among others. (CBR has a big breakdown on that here.) The cover of Avengers No. 16 from Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, and Dick Ayers shows Captain America on the cover shouting out the catchphrase.

Black Panther and Clint Barton have a moment that calls back to their first (and only) meeting in “Captain America: Civil War.”

The first time T’Challa and Clint meet, Hawkeye tries to introduce himself to the King of Wakanda. Black Panther says he doesn’t care.

He most certainly does now since he owes his life, in part, to Clint. So it’s sweet to see them exchange niceties on the battlefield as Clint passes off the new Infinity Gauntlet to Black Panther to keep safe. T’Challa refers to Clint by name, showing that just because he said he didn’t care in “Civil War,” didn’t mean that he didn’t register his name.

The Iron Man suit we see Pepper Potts in is a direct reference to the comics and animated series.

Tony builds Pepper her own Iron Man-like suit that she later utilises near the movie’s end. We weren’t completely surprised to see it appear on screen.

During an appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” in 2018, Gwyneth Paltrow said she would be in “Avengers: Endgame” and hinted we may see her in some sort of suit.

Colbert asked her if at any time while filming if she “thrusted her hand toward someone wearing a blue suit with ping pong balls glued on.” Paltrow said yes. Later, in October 2018, a leaked photo first shared on Instagram showed Paltrow suited up in the purple suit.

We now know Paltrow was most likely referencing herself appearing in the Iron Man suit Tony built for her. It’s never said on screen, but in the comics, Tony builds Pepper a similar-looking suit called R.E.S.C.U.E. aka Rescue.

Read more: A leaked ‘Avengers 4’ photo teases Gwyneth Paltrow in an iconic superhero suit

Drax is seen stabbing an enemy on the battlefield and it reminds us of a moment from the opening of “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.”

Drax attacks in a similar fashion while slicing apart an enemy at the start of “GotG Vol. 2.”

We’re bummed we didn’t get a chance to see him go toe-to-toe with the Mad Titan once again. Worse, Drax probably didn’t even realise that was Thanos from 2014.

Spider-Man tells his suit to “activate instant kill.”

In “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” Parker takes his new Spidey suit from Mr. Stark for a spin in DC. While at a gas station, the AI attached to his suit asks if he would like to “engage enhanced combat mode.” Peter thinks that sounds cool, but is flabbergasted to find out that his suit has an instant kill ability.

At the time, he didn’t see a need for it. It sure came in hand in “Endgame.”

When Peter’s in trouble, Captain America tosses Thor’s hammer his way while saying, “Hey Queens, heads up.”

When the two met in “Captain America: Civil War,” Peter told him where he was from and Cap responded that he’s from Brooklyn.

Tony Stark also used the Infinity Gauntlet in the comics.

Stark uses the gauntlet in 2011’s Avengers Volume 4 No. 12 to stop a villain named the Hood, not Thanos. In the comics, he doesn’t use it to wipe out a bunch of villains. He uses it to put the Hood in prison. Unlike in “Endgame,” using the power of the Infinity Stones doesn’t kill him.

The final scene between Tony Stark and Peter Parker was an absolute mirror to their final moments together in “Infinity War.”

If you cried hard during “Infinity War” when Peter told Tony he didn’t want to go before vanishing before his very eyes, you probably sobbed as Peter watched his mentor die in front of his.

The scene was a complete role reversal of the heartbreaking moment in “Infinity War.”

Thor winds up with the Guardians of the Galaxy at the movie’s end, but that shouldn’t have been a total shock. There was a hint that would happen earlier in the movie.

When Thor and Rocket Raccoon prepare to leave Asgard in 2013, you can start to hear the music from the opening of the first “Guardians of the Galaxy” play before it cuts to Quill dancing.

A lone teen is seen standing at Tony’s funeral. It’s the same boy he met in “Iron Man 3.”

He may have also been among the Vanished because of Thanos’ snap. Maybe when he heard Tony gave his life to bring everyone back, he wanted to be there for the end.

Fun fact: Harley was also confirmed to be the kid Iron Man saw at the Stark Expo in the first “Iron Man” movie, so it’s extra special to see him here.

Read more: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ has a subtle nod to ‘Iron Man 3’ you probably missed

Happy Hogan asks Morgan what kind of food she wants to eat near the film’s end. Her response? A cheeseburger.

Did tears well up in your eyes the moment Morgan told Happy she wanted a cheeseburger? If you recently watched “Iron Man,” they should have.

When Stark first arrives back home after being held hostage by a terrorist organisation, he tells Happy he would like nothing more than a cheeseburger.

There’s an even deeper meaning to that. In 2008, Robert Downey Jr. told Empire magazine he credited a burger to turning his life around after addiction.

“I have to thank Burger King,” Downey Jr. said, according to the NY Daily News. “It was such a disgusting burger I ordered. I had that, and this big soda, and I thought something really bad was going to happen.”

Tony’s death was foreshadowed by Captain America and every single “Iron Man” movie.

In “Avengers,” Captain America tells Tony he’s “not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.”

Tony did just that in “The Avengers” and he did it again in “Endgame” when Doctor Strange told him this was their last shot.

In each “Iron Man” movie, there’s a shot of Tony on a Rolling Stone cover that says, “Tony Stark wants to save the world.” He finally did, and we love him 3,000 for it.

Pepper floats Tony’s original arc reactor onto a lake during his funeral.

It’s the present she gave to Tony in the first “Iron Man” movie. Pepper engraved it with the words, “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.”

Take a careful look at Stark’s original arc reactor again. The Avengers hands in this “Endgame” scene recreate the look of his arc. In turn, the Avengers make up Tony’s heart.

It was there all along in the trailer and we didn’t even notice it at first. Kudos for Twitter user @risingdip for pointing this one out.

The song which plays at the movie’s end is “It’s Been a Long, Long Time.”

The song also appears on the “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” soundtrack. In “Age of Ultron,” when Scarlet Witch tortures the Avengers with haunting visions, Steve Rogers is confronted with the dance he never got to have with Peggy Carter.

We had a feeling Peggy may come into play somewhere in “Endgame.” If you watch the many trailers and TV ads for the movie, Peggy’s voice is distinctly heard in one of them saying a line she told Cap in “The Winter Soldier.

“The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over,” she says.

Before he was frozen in ice in 1945, Peggy told Cap not to be late for their first dance. At the film’s end, we see the two dancing to “It’s been a long, long time.” It certainly has.

There are no post-credits scenes, but there is a small nod to “Iron Man” at the film’s very end.

The movie closes on the Marvel Studios logo. Listen closely and you’ll hear a small sound. It distinctly sounds like the sound of metal hitting metal and instantly reminded us of Tony Stark building his first Iron Man suit in the 2008 movie.

It would be a fitting end to 22 movies. “Iron Man” is the movie which kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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