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Posted: 2021-06-13 19:11:41

In April, Netflix introduced a new feature to put an end to indecisive scrolling: Play Something.

With this feature, the Netflix algorithm determines something for you to watch based on your viewing habits and data from other users with similar viewing histories.

When I tried it, Netflix gave me The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Okay, I admit it: I had watched trashy reality TV series Selling Sunset in a low moment during lockdown. But I have tried the Housewives franchise and it's not my cup of tea.

A scene from reality tv show Selling Sunset of real estate agent Chrishell Stause sitting at a desk in an office
The algorithm knew I had fallen for the charms of Selling Sunset (pictured) but how much did it really know me?

So I gave the button another go — and Superstore started playing.

Netflix told me 'we think you'll like this sitcom' but, to be honest, my comedy taste leans towards shows like Fleabag, Insecure and Shrill, rather than that kind of broad comedy.

I bristled at the recommendations and gave up. It felt like, despite the countless hours I'd spent on the platform, the algorithm didn't really understand my taste.

But I could understand, with a seeming deluge of titles, why people would choose to Play Something.

Of course, Netflix isn't the only company playing the recommendation algorithm game — Binge offered a 'Surprise Me!' feature on launch — but it's worth examining the latest move from the biggest streaming service around.

It might seem like a harmless development, but what happens when we let our viewing choices be dictated entirely by a streaming giant? And what exactly are they offering us when we decide to just Play Something?

Stay on the platform

Netflix has spent years honing its algorithm, even awarding the $US1 million Netflix Prize in 2009 to a group who improved their recommendation engine.

By 2016, the company said 80 per cent of users were picking what to watch based on recommendations.

A screenshot of Netflix home screen with many titles to choose
In 2000, when Netflix was a DVD delivery service, it would analyse your data and suggest your next rental.(



Netflix had been testing the Play Something feature in the Australian market for the last few months, but the proper release came after their pandemic bump in subscribers slowed and rival Disney+ picked up steam.

While Netflix has 208 million subscribers worldwide and an estimated 5.4 million subscribers in Australia, Disney+ has signed up 100 million people worldwide and 1.1 million viewers in Australia in a mere year and a half.

"Netflix don't want you to scroll through everything for 30 minutes, find nothing to watch, and then go on Facebook, or Fortnite, or god forbid, Amazon Prime or Disney+," says Wenlei Ma,'s TV and film critic.

"They want you to stay on their platform. And this is just another lever they think they can pull to get people to do that."

In 2017, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said their biggest competitor wasn't the other streaming services — it was sleep.

"In theory, they only need you to come online two hours a month, as long as you keep paying," says Ma. "But obviously, the more you use their service, the more data they have, the more valuable the company is."

Breadth, not depth

Play Something is an acknowledgement of the choice paralysis that exists for the millions who use streaming services.

Ma welcomes any feature that will make it easier for people to find something to watch.

"When I hear that people will spend 45 minutes just scrolling around and not finding anything, that makes me sad, because entertainment should be joyful."

Ma says that this new feature appeals to the same people re-watching Friends or Seinfeld — those looking for something comforting and familiar.

A scene from Netflix series Special of a young man with glasses sitting at a table in a cafe
"I guess it [Play Something] also helps in surfacing some of the content that you might just scroll right past," says Ma (like Special, pictured here).

There are, of course, issues with the Netflix algorithm.

"Anecdotally, it seems to surface Netflix original content and you don't get to see a lot of their archival content; so really good shows that they made five years ago, you would rarely see [recommended]," says Ma.

The library itself is an issue: 85 per cent of titles on Netflix US in 2020 were released in the last decade. While a similar analysis of the Australian Netflix library does not exist, our Netflix library is smaller by comparison, with less critically acclaimed content.

A graph of the major American streaming services' content by decade of release, it shows Netlix's library is mostly recent title
Percentage of streaming services' content (American libraries), by decade of release.(

Supplied: Ampere Analysis


"The Play Something function is an acknowledgment of the breadth, not depth [of Netflix's library]," Ma admits.

"The algorithms are not perfect … they might scratch a certain kind of itch, but that doesn't mean it's going to surface the best stories that are out there."

Play Something might sound like another nail in the coffin of criticism, but Ma says: "Never overestimate what technology can recommend versus human curation."

'The enemy of creativity'

Netflix's recommendation algorithm has implications for creativity, both for those watching content and those making it.

While it's hard to know exactly what data Netflix is tracking due to encryption, they are working with data from Facebook and third-party marketing services in an attempt to define and predict user behaviour.

"What it [Netflix] does not want is for a user to be spontaneous, or experimental, or a little bit unpredictable and chaotic in their choices, because it can't offer a service on that basis," says Dr Sarah Arnold — a media lecturer at Maynooth University who wrote about Netflix and the Myth of Choice/Participation/Autonomy in 2016.

"But in fact, most of the innovation that we get in life, most of the way in which we develop our taste, is through encountering new things we wouldn't necessarily seek out."

A screenshot of Netflix landing page with the button "play something" and profiles for Robin, Hannah and Lilly
"If you promote a culture in which we sacrifice choice and give away all of our personal information, there's a real danger in that," says Arnold.(

ABC Arts: Hannah Reich


Rather than serving up new things, Play Something delivers more of what you've watched before. More crime drama or real estate reality TV or workplace sitcoms.

"[But] if people just watched all of the same, how would they ever get to see just a different perspective on life? How do they ever kind of get to be creative? Because you're seeing something that's increasingly formulaic," Arnold says.

Netflix commissions content based on viewer data, but Arnold says that means the company is unlikely to produce anything unique, high-risk or left-field (which would be hard to recommend).

"I don't think we're going to see a brave new world of content creation come out of something like Netflix," says Arnold.

'A captive audience'

Emerson College academic Dr Maria San Filippo edits the New Review of Film and Television Studies and is concerned with the kind of viewer that is cultivated by Netflix and other streaming services.

"[Streaming services] are throwing content at us that we're not choosing, we're not picking out, but we're just clicking on," she says.

"That isn't … a proactive form of spectatorship, it's very passive."

San Filippo predicts that soon we'll be committing to one streaming service, instead of multiple ones.

"[Then] Disney+ is going to dictate to us what we watch, or Netflix or Amazon … [We'll] be a captive audience for whatever they want to throw at us," she says.

"It is really going back to an old-fashioned way of running the industry, where we're watching things in this way that's dictated to us by the corporate overlords, instead of having the choice that's supposed to come with the democratisation of our media sphere."

San Filippo is referring to the Hollywood studio system, which ran from the 20s to the 50s, where a small handful of large studios monopolised film production and distribution (the Paramount decrees put an end to that, but have been recently terminated).

The headquarters of Netflix in Los Angeles, a big office building with the company name
"I think you will see this narrowing down of the type of content [created by Netflix] into fairly ... generic films or TV programs that aren't really challenging or doing anything different," says Arnold.(

Supplied: Netflix


Arnold says: "It might seem like there's variety at the consumer end, where there's lots of different types of programs. But if they're ultimately funded, produced and delivered by the same company, then really, it's just the illusion of choice."

The introduction of the Play Something feature might seem fairly innocuous, but Arnold points out that algorithmic culture is now guiding our choices when it comes to music, shopping and reading — but also elections, politics and news.

"We've already seen what happens when this algorithmic culture and algorithms are steered and defined by political interests," she says, referring to how Cambridge Analytica mined Facebook user data to steer elections.

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