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Posted: 2021-06-16 20:39:47

The claims

Greens leader Adam Bandt has condemned the Morrison Government’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment as "an insult" to workers affected by pandemic lockdowns.

In a tweet, Mr Bandt wrote: "$325 for someone working less than 20hrs is less than minimum wage, less than the average rent for a 1br place in Melb and below the poverty line."

Does Mr Bandt's three-pronged attack stack up? RMIT ABC Fact Check looks at each component.

The verdicts

Mr Bandt's tweet gets mixed verdicts.

Of his three claims, Fact Check found one to be incorrect, one to be close to the mark and one to be correct.

In comparing the $325 payment to the minimum wage, Mr Bandt is incorrect.

A middle-aged man in jacket and beard listens outside in a crowd of people.
The Greens leader got it wrong when comparing the Disaster Payment to the minimum wage.(

AAP: Mick Tsitkas


For a person working less than 16 hours and 24 minutes on the minimum wage, or a casual working less than about 13 hours and 7 minutes, the $325 payment is more than they would normally receive in a week.

On the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Melbourne, Mr Bandt is close to the mark.

A middle-aged man in suit and beard makes a speech in wood panelled room.
Mr Bandt wasn't far away when calculating the average Melbourne rent.(

AAP: Luis Ascui


Lastly, Mr Bandt is correct in saying that a payment of $325 is below the poverty line.

Having said that, comparing a one-off payment with the poverty line is problematic because it fails to consider the total income of the person's household.

A middle-aged man in suit and beard makes a speech in a modern room.
It's accurate to say that $325 a week is below the poverty line.(

AAP: Mick Tsitkas


What is the Federal Government offering?

On June 3, 2021, the Federal Government revealed it would offer a temporary COVID-19 disaster payment for eligible workers affected by pandemic-related lockdowns.

A person over the age of 17 who normally worked 20 hours or more a week, and who was unable to attend their place of work because of the pandemic lockdown, could apply for a payment of $500 pre-tax.

Those who normally worked fewer than 20 hours a week could receive $325 pre-tax.

The terms of the one-off, lump-sum payments are highly conditional. To be eligible, a worker needed to fulfil the following:

  • Must be in an area designated by the Commonwealth as a COVID-19 "hot-spot"
  • Must not have more than $10,000 of liquid assets (cash, savings, shares, money lent to other people and so on)
  • Must not be receiving any other form of income support from the Commonwealth
  • Must not be receiving the Victorian Government's Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
  • Must not be receiving state government-based support payments for businesses
  • Must declare that they do not have access to special pandemic leave or sick leave, or have already used up all their sick-leave entitlements

Only one payment will be made for a single lockdown period and workers must wait seven days before they can apply.

The minimum wage

Wages have grown at 1.9 per cent over the past year.
The current minimum wage is the equivalent of just under $20 per hour.(

ABC News: Giulio Saggin


The minimum adult wage, which applies to workers who are not otherwise covered by an enterprise award or workplace agreement, is determined each year by a panel of the Fair Work Commission.

The terms of the minimum wage at the time Mr Bandt made his claim are set out in the National Minimum Wage Order 2020 which came into operation on July 1, 2020.

It set the minimum adult wage in Australia at $753.80 per week (pre-tax) for a 38-hour week, equivalent to $19.84 per hour worked.

Casual workers must be paid an extra 25 per cent, bringing their minimum payment to $24.80 per hour.

After Mr Bandt made his claim, the commission decided a higher national minimum wage would apply from July 1, 2021.

How does the pandemic payment compare with the minimum wage?

Mr Bandt's claim focused on those eligible for a pandemic payment of $325 a week. In other words, those working under 20 hours a week.

An adult who works 20 hours a week, and is not classified as a casual, would receive $396.80 on the minimum wage.

An adult working 20 hours a week as a casual would receive $496 on the minimum wage.

This means that, in either category, those who work close to 20 hours a week would be worse off under the pandemic payment.

Healthcare workers administer coronavirus tests at a drive-through testing centre
Many Victorians lost work when the state went into another lockdown on May 28.(

Reuters: Sandra Sanders


However, there comes a point where the payment would be higher than the minimum wage.

For those not classified as casuals, this point arrives when working around 16 hours a week or less. At the minimum wage of $19.84 per hour, a working week of 16 hours and 24 minutes would pay $325.38.

When it comes to those classified as casuals, the pandemic payment would only be higher when working around 13 hours a week or less. At the minimum casual wage of $24.80 per hour, a working week of 13 hours and 7 minutes would pay $325.29.

So, $325 is not necessarily less than the minimum wage. 

It depends on how many hours the person normally works and whether or not they are employed as a casual.

Assessing apartment rents

After Australia's international borders closed in early 2020 and Melbourne endured multiple lockdowns due to viral outbreaks, vacancy rates for the city's apartments rose and rental rates tumbled.

Data collated by SQM Research indicates vacancy rates in metropolitan Melbourne jumped from 1.9 per cent in March 2020 to 4.7 per cent in December 2020, the highest since at least 2005. By April 2021, the vacancy rate had eased to 4.0 per cent.

Some areas of the city, though, have been hit particularly hard.

In Melbourne's central business district and immediate environs, where there has been a surge in apartment construction over the past 15 years, the vacancy rate was as high as 9.4 per cent in December and by April was still sitting around 6.7 per cent.

The corresponding decline in apartment rents is largely attributed to the absence of foreign students and backpacker travellers.

These two categories of visitors represented a significant portion of the market for rental accommodation, especially in central Melbourne, the inner suburbs and areas close to the city's tertiary institutions.

Apartment buildings in Southbank, Melbourne.
Demand for Melbourne's inner-city apartments has fallen since the start of the pandemic.(

ABC News: Michael Barnett


The real estate market tends to measure rental rates on the basis of "median" rents rather than "average".

The median rate is the mid-point of a range of values; the average would be the total value of all one-bedroom apartment rents, divided by the number of apartments being offered.

Because it is not possible to discover the total value or the total number of apartments on offer at any time (many apartments are offered privately and rents can be bargained down from the advertised price), Fact Check has assessed Mr Bandt's claim by relying on data that utilises a median score.

What the data shows for one-bedroom apartments

The Real Estate Institute of Victoria, which collates data provided by real estate agents, told Fact Check that the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in metropolitan Melbourne was $340 in the 12 months to March 2021.

Metropolitan Melbourne 

Weekly Median Rent 

Quarterly Change 

Annual Change 

1-Bedroom Unit 




Source: Real Estate Institute of Victoria

As this is an annualised figure, and rents have fallen significantly over the 12 months, Fact Check sought more recent data.

The Victorian Government’s Department of Health and Human Services' Rental Report suggests the median rent for one-bedroom apartments was $320 a week in the three months to March 31.

Metropolitan Melbourne 

Weekly Median Rent 

Quarterly Change 

Annual Change 

1-Bedroom Unit 




Source: DHHS Rental Report March 2021, Table 3    

This correlates with data provided to Fact Check by the Domain property listings group.

Domain's Rental Report noted apartment rents fell for the fourth consecutive quarter in March 2021. Rental rates for apartments in the March quarter were at their lowest level since 2015, falling 12.8 per cent from the record high registered in the same period a year earlier.

Data provided by Domain indicates that the median rental rate for a one-bedroom apartment in greater Melbourne in the March quarter was $320 a week, down 15.8 per cent from the same period a year ago.

In other words, the rental rate on a one-bedroom apartment in Melbourne is $5 a week less than the Federal Government's $325 a week COVID-19 support payment for people working less than 20 hours a week.

Assessing the poverty line

Bottom half of a man sitting on cardboard on the ground wearing worn out boots. In front a sign reads “homeless please help.”
The way poverty is measured in industrialised countries is different from the developing world.(

Getty: Punnarong Lotulit


There are many definitions of what constitutes the "poverty line" and many ways of calculating it.

The notion of absolute poverty is generally used to determine poverty levels in a developing country where fundamental needs, such as food, shelter and access to clean water, determine poverty.

Poverty lines in developed or industrialised countries are assessed by reference to the population's median income: it is a relative assessment.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines a person as poor if they are "living in households that have below 50 per cent of the median equivalised household income".

When the OECD further examines poverty lines in Australia, it refers to the work of the Melbourne Institute's quarterly report on poverty lines.

The Melbourne Institute considers poverty as being "an inability to fully participate in the normal activities of the community (because of a lack of economic resources)".

Its methodology recognises that households have different structures and, therefore, different needs. A single-income household comprising a couple with children is likely to need more to fulfil their weekly expenses than a single-income individual without children.

The two-yearly Poverty in Australia report by the Australian Council of Social Service and the University of New South Wales assesses poverty based on two thresholds: household income falling below 50 per cent of median income or below 60 per cent of median income.

Housing costs can leave some households with very little by the end of the week. To that end, the Melbourne Institute and the ACOSS/UniNSW reports each consider before-housing and after-housing costs in determining the poverty line.

What the research says about the poverty line in Australia

The Melbourne Institute's most recent calculation of the poverty line in Australia is produced below:

Income Unit

Including Housing

$ per week

Other than Housing

$ per week




Couple plus 1



Couple plus 2



Couple plus 3



Single person



Single parent plus 1



Single parent plus 2



Single parent plus 3



Source: Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research 

The Poverty in Australia 2020 report by ACOSS and the University of NSW found about 3.24 million Australians (or 13.6 per cent of the population) fell below the 50 per cent of median income poverty line.

It assessed the poverty line at $457 a week for a single adult living alone and $960 a week for a couple with two children.

Can a one-off payment be compared with the poverty line?

In his tweet, Mr Bandt said the Federal Government was "leaving people in poverty".

However, analysing poverty by reference to a single figure is problematic.

Professor Roger Wilkins, who leads the Melbourne Institute's research into poverty lines, told Fact Check it was the income of an entire household — not individual income — that matters when considering living standards and the ability to pay rent or other housing costs.

In a March article in The Conversation, Ben Phillips from the Australian National University's Centre for Social Research and Methods made a similar point.

While Associate Professor Phillips' article was concerned with the recent rise in the JobSeeker payment and not the pandemic payment for those working under 20 hours a week, the rates are comparable.

A computer screen showing the word "jobseeker" at the top, with a mouse cursor overing over the "individuals" option.
The revised JobSeeker payment came into effect on April 1.(

ABC News


The new JobSeeker payment is $310 a week and the pandemic payment criticised by Mr Bandt is $325 a week.

"Not all households are the same: some are single, some have couples, some have children and some get other payments such as rent assistance of family payments," Mr Phillips wrote.

"However, the majority of households whose main income source is the JobSeeker payment will still fall well under the poverty line, whichever way you calculate it."

Similarly, using either the Melbourne Institute's December quarter figure or the ACOSS/UniNSW figure published in 2020, the sum of $325 would be lower than the poverty line.

Nevertheless, Professor Wilkins says Mr Bandt's method of comparing the COVID-19 Disaster Payment support to Melbourne's rental rates and poverty lines is “not very informative” in terms of what the payments mean for most people.

"Adam Bandt is asserting the payment levels are low," Professor Wilkins said.

"And they are quite low, but they are positioned as providing emergency relief, not as complete replacements for incomes people would [otherwise] have in the absence of the lockdown."

Principal researcher: Leonie Wood


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