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Posted: 2021-06-25 19:10:27

The NSW Shadow Treasurer Daniel Mookhey is demanding Uber Eats explain why it left out a food delivery rider fatality when giving sworn evidence to Parliament, saying he personally feels "misled".

The call follows a Background Briefing investigation that revealed Uber Eats did not recognise the death of 30-year-old Turkish rider Burak Dogan as a workplace fatality.

Mr Dogan was logged into the Uber Eats app when he was hit and killed by a truck in Sydney last April. Uber Eats continued to send him delivery requests in the minutes after his death.

But an application by Mr Dogan's family for a death benefit insurance payment was rejected.

"I certainly feel misled," said Mr Mookhey, who asked questions of Uber Eats representatives at a hearing in April.

"If Uber Eats isn't honest in a place like the Parliament, how can we trust what they have to say in any other forum?"

Mr Mookhey, the chair of the Parliament's "future of work" committee, had asked about rider fatalities.

Uber Eats told him three riders had died in NSW in 2020.

The company — which had already acknowledged the deaths of Dede Fredy, Bijoy Paul and Ik Wong last year — has since confirmed Mr Dogan's death was not included as he was not making a delivery at the time.

Mr Mookhey said he was disappointed in Uber Eats and had expected it to be more forthcoming.

"I would have expected Uber Eats to have disclosed [the death] if they had made a report to the workplace regulator, regardless of what the regulator's reply was," he said.

Uber Eats has said Mr Dogan's death was a "tragic incident" and its thoughts were with his friends and family.

The company told the ABC in a statement on Friday that it complied with all its workplace health and safety obligations, including making reports to the regulator, SafeWork NSW.

"In NSW, online food delivery platforms are required to notify the regulator of fatalities which occur when someone is making a delivery on their platform," it said.

"The evidence given to the NSW Select Committee was consistent with these obligations and confirmed that there have been eight such tragic incidents which occurred on the Uber Eats platform in Australia since 2016.

"We have subsequently confirmed to the committee that six of these occurred in NSW.

"This is consistent with the state regulator's definition of notifiable occurrences."

Uber Eats said it had also advised both the committee and the regulator of two other cases where an Uber Eats delivery person was killed while online but not making a delivery.

A customer using the Uber Eats app on her mobile phone.
The NSW governmenet has introduced minimum training and safety requirements for food delivery platforms.(



Mr Dogan, an engineer in Turkey who moved to Sydney to improve his English, had logged onto the company app shortly after midday on the day of his death. He accepted and then rejected a delivery request.

Twenty-five minutes later, he was fatally hit in a collision with a truck on Parramatta Road in the city's inner west.

This placed him outside the Uber Eats window of insurance cover by just 10 minutes.

Trucks whizz through a busy intersection in Sydney
Mr Dogan was killed while riding on Parramatta Road, in Sydney's inner west.(

Jack Fisher


His cousin, Sydney restaurant owner Yavuz Cikar, told the ABC he could not understand the rejection of the insurance payment.

"From a big corporation, I would expect more fair treatment towards the people who are working, because without people, no big corporations could achieve anything," Mr Cikar says.

A review by SafeWork noted: "It was unclear if the rider was working at the time of the incident."

But SafeWork also told the ABC Mr Dogan's death was "included in workplace fatality figures in relation to the traffic incident".

Mr Mookhey has backed calls from the Transport Workers Union for an independent inquiry into SafeWork and its handling of food delivery rider deaths and injuries.

The NSW government recently announced it would introduce minimum training and safety equipment requirements for food delivery platforms while cracking down on unsafe riding with a new penalty system.

Uber Eats has committed to safety initiatives including automatic helmet detection, free bike safety kits and enhanced training.

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