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Posted: 2021-06-28 04:05:06

Mining workers from across WA say sexual assault and harassment is rife in FIFO (fly-in fly-out) camps.

The state's number one industry is under scrutiny as politicians and mining giants back calls for a parliamentary inquiry into women's safety on mine sites.

Deputy Liberal leader Libby Mettam called for the inquiry last week, following several reports of rape and harassment involving mining employees on and off sites.

"I think there is a great opportunity to look at how we can provide some suggestions to ensure our workplaces in our mining industry are as good as they can be," Ms Mettam said.

Workers speak out

In light of the media spotlight on the industry, the ABC has heard from several WA mining workers condemning a toxic culture in mining — both on camps and in boardrooms.

Iron Ore Haul Pack
The spotlight is on mine site culture following recent incidents at WA minesites.(

ABC News


Anne* has worked in the industry for six years.

She said it was "sickening" how commonplace sexual harassment and assault was in WA mining camps.

"I'm seeing new young girls come to site … and you'll get a lot of males, either they'll vocalise or they will indicate in other ways … she's just seen as meat."

Anne said the culture was worse in WA than in other parts of the country.

"I've worked on both east coast and west coast — east coast, they're not as bad, west coast is out of control," Anne said.

"It's the worst I've ever seen it, and it's only getting worse."

Mike* echoed Anne's sentiment.

According to last year's Respect@Work Report, a landmark national inquiry into sexual harassment in workplaces, 74 per cent of women in mining had experienced harassment in the past five years.

Mike said that was just the tip of the iceberg.

"The lowest of the low behaviour happens up here … the biggest bullies rise to the top. That sort of toxic male behaviour is encouraged — it's like it's on steroids," he said.

Assault, harassment kept under wraps

Both Mike and Anne said incidents of harassment and assault on site were continually dealt with poorly by management.

"They don't like people coming forward and rocking the boat with anything that would be a PR nightmare or a headache, you're seen as a troublemaker," Anne said.

Anne wanted more transparency from companies when dealing with alleged offenders.

"You're shut out from anything or any knowledge of it whatsoever… I mean, I can understand from one point of view, they try and protect people's privacy," she said.

"But this concerns everyone, because … you're essentially living with these people … and yes, you are concerned and you want to know if there's a predator on site, and what's been done about it."

Mike said the fear of being ridiculed or even losing their jobs prevented women from coming forward with stories of assault or harassment.

"Plus, there's also a huge stigma for women, if they raise these issues, and this is a very small industry, and everybody knows everybody."

According to Mike, drinking habits on site only worsened rape culture.

"How many women have been raped now because of someone else's alcohol-fuelled problem? And how many is too many?" he said.

Positive response to inquiry

Ms Mettam, who is chair of the Community Development and Justice parliamentary committee, said she hoped an inquiry would expose and ultimately prevent such situations occurring.

A blonde woman with glasses stands on the side of a road
Deputy Liberal leader Libby Mettam has called for a parliamentary inquiry into women's safety.(

ABC News: Gian De Poloni


Premier Mark McGowan backed her call for the inquiry, along with mining executives and the CEO of the Chamber of Minerals and Energy (CME).

"I just want to put on the record, on behalf of the resources industry in Western Australia, our very strong stance opposing any and all forms of workplace rape, assault or harassment at any time," the chamber's Paul Everingham said.

Ms Mettam said that response was heartening.

Ms Mettam said while sexual harassment and assault were not problems unique to the resources sector, the Respect@Work Report's statistics, along with recent reports, indicated an inquiry was necessary to specifically target the mining industry.

"I know that the mining industry is doing all that they can, but there may be an opportunity for another set of eyes to capture information and feedback from industry players and the workforce, and report to parliament about how we can improve," she said.

* Names have been changes to protect individual's identity

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