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Posted: 2021-07-04 18:40:44

Like many young Australians, Molly Kane hasn't paid much attention to her superannuation.

She's had several casual jobs and with them, five super accounts.

She says every cent that went into them got eaten away by fees.

"The biggest reason why young people lose out with super at the moment is because we leave it as a set-and-forget type of scenario — we don't look at it, we don't think about it.

"Often, the only time you'll hear from your super is in an annual statement, if you happen to open it.

"It's not something that's in the forefront of a lot of people's minds. And because of that, we tend to forget we end up with multiple accounts, we end up with paying too many fees. And at the end of the day, it just hurts us."

Excluding insurance premiums, Australians spend more than $30 billion in super fees every year, according to the 2019 Productivity Commission review into superannuation.

Even taking more recent estimates from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) based on data super funds report to the regulator — which does not count all fees and charges — we are estimated to spend about $19.3 billion. That's well over the $15.9 billion we spend on electricity bills annually.

Super fees can add up to thousands over time

If you've got $100,000 in just one superannuation fund and the fee is 1 per cent — that's not a one-off $1,000 payment.

It is 1 per cent of your total assets in fees, each and every year.

As your account balance grows from contributions and investment earnings, so do your fees.

After 10 years of compounding, assuming your balance has increased to over $200,000 by your employer contributing 10 per cent of your wages, you'll have paid more than $17,000 in fees, according to Australia Institute analysis.

Even in bad years when negative investment returns mean your account balance goes backwards, you could still be paying over $1,000 a year in fees.

University of Melbourne PhD student Kate Ferris knows the feeling of losing out on fees. She also had multiple super accounts by working casual jobs over a number of years.

Kate Ferris
University of Melbourne PhD student Kate Ferris says she lost thousands of dollars to fees.(

Rudy de Santis, ABC News. 


"About 20 years ago, I had about four jobs and each one of those jobs was attached to a different super fund," Ms Ferris says.

"Each one of those super accounts was being eaten away by fees and charges.

"I estimate that I lost about $3,500, and that accumulates interest [compounds] over time. So in actual fact, I've lost a lot more than that.

But fees are not the only equation that needs to be considered — how your fund performs also matters, and experts say ideally, consumers should be opting for low-fee, high-performance funds.

According to a Rainmaker Information analysis of fees compared to five-year performance, industry super funds generally came out on top.

Rainmaker data
While past returns are not an indicator of future returns, Rainmaker says industry funds performed best in 2021.

Super Consumers Australia did an analysis of highest-fee and lowest-fee funds based on March 2021 APRA data.

Its analysis does not cover fees versus performance. It only shows highest- and lowest-fee single strategy MySuper products (in other words, not all funds) with at least five years of investment returns data.

Australians will be able to compare the performance of some super funds

To make it easier for Australians to identify whether they are in a high-fee, low-performance fund, the Federal Government recently passed the Your Future, Your Super law.

The government's latest laws make it easier for Australians to compare the performance of My Super products, which cover many of the most popular superannuation funds.

Its next step will be collecting data that allows people to compare fees and performance across all super funds.

Senator Jane Hume standing smiling in her electorate office in Richmond.
Superannuation Minister Jane Hume says sauperannuation funds have been "put on notice" about high fees and low returns.(

Scott Jewell, ABC News


Senator Hume says the Government has passed one of the biggest reforms since compulsory superannuation began in 1992.

"[It] will save around $17.9 billion [by placing it] back into the retirement savings of everyday Australians over the next 10 years.

"The only money superannuation trustees have to spend is yours, your retirement savings.

"We want to make sure when superannuation trustees make decisions about expenditure or make decisions about investment, that they do so with the best financial interest of their members of mind."

The government's changes also prevent people from being pushed into a new fund every time they start a new job.

From now on, they will be stapled to their existing fund.

Consumer groups have generally welcomed the reforms, although the industry funds lobby group, Industry Super Australia, has warned that many people could be stapled to dud funds.

Call for some super funds to 'stop taking advantage' of Australians

Super Consumers Australia director Xavier O'Halloran says it is time some super funds stop taking advantage of Australians.

Xavier O'Halloran.
Super Consumers Australia director Xavier O'Halloran says too many funds are getting away with charghing high fees. (

John Gunn, ABC News.


"There's about $30 billion a year that people are spending on superannuation fees, and the average person's probably getting about 1 per cent of their superannuation creamed off the top in fees, which really adds up."

"Superannuation is one of those things that's really hard to keep track of  — the fees aren't in your face, you're not getting letters [from the provider] as often.

"And a lot of people miss out and don't realise that they've paid quite high fees each year in superannuation."

Mr O'Halloran says fees are made up typically of investment fees, which make up about 70 per cent of the cost, and administration fees, which make up about 30 per cent.

"You're looking at things like customer service, maintenance of the website for those administrative fees," he says.

"And then for investment fees, it's a lot of money going to fund managers to pay them to pick the best investment options to deliver good returns for you."

He says consumers paying above the 1 per cent average fee should shop around and look at the returns and the performance over the long term.

"Around tax time is a good time to check to see what you're paying, where your superannuation is, what types of returns it's delivering over the long term, and what kind of risk they're exposing you to for those types of returns."

He also notes that in order to attract new members, some funds also spend a lot of money on sponsorships but that they may not be delivering good returns and are "essentially wasting members' money".

Recent high returns thanks to share market performance improving

Executive director of research firm Rainmaker Information, Alex Dunnin, says currently superannuation funds are delivering amazing returns.

"It's just over a year since the worst of the COVID financial crisis hit," he says.

"The stock market has pretty much been riding the crest of a wave for the last 12 to 13 months, and super funds are now sitting on average [annual] returns of almost 20 per cent.

Alex Dunnin Rainmaker
Rainmaker Information director of research Alex Dunnin says we are getting some of the highest returns in 34 years.(

John Gunn, ABC News. 


Mr Dunnin says there's now a massive push for super funds to lower their fees.

"Over the next few years, we expect super fund fees to come down a lot further than they are now, to the point where it could actually revolutionise the superannuation industry in Australia," he says.

He says switching is easy and funds can no longer charge thousands of dollars when consumers want to exit a fund.

But Mr Dunnin also advises consumers to not only search for the lowest-fee fund.

"In itself, being in a low-fee fund doesn't matter. It's always the returns you get," he says.

More competition set to lead to more super funds merging

As more funds are put to the test, it's possible that some will fail and exit, while others will merge and become more competitive.

"The reason for that is that scale matters."

Deanne Stewart Aware Super CEO
Aware Super CEO Deanne Stewart says more superannuation funds will consolidate. (

John Gunn, ABC News. 


Aware Super is one of the better-performing funds in terms of fees versus performance and Ms Stewart says the Government's new laws will help by making sure that Australians don't have multiple accounts charging fees.

"Ultimately, you should have lower fees and therefore, better retirement savings," she says.

The Productivity Commission review into superannuation looked at the performance of top-performing and bottom-performing funds.

"And then it showed if an average Australian worker started in a poor-performing fund and stayed there for the rest of their working life, they may end up with $600,000 less — that has a significantly greater impact than actually the fees on multiple accounts."

The Productivity Review also found that Australian funds were not as competitive compared to pension funds in European countries and Canada.

Super fees global comparison
The Productivity Commission's' 2019 review found Australia is not the best performing when it comes to global comparisons of fees. 

But Ms Stewart says "we are not comparing apples with apples".

"They have a very different superannuation system to ours," she says.

"They're either government-run, or in some cases, they are privately run. But they are what's called defined benefit. So essentially, it's not about choice. It's not about investment options. It's about essentially guaranteeing a percentage of your income.

"You don't need any servicing or the administration side until you're nearing retirement.

Part-time worker Molly Kane has now consolidated all her super accounts into one low-fee fund.

Molly Kane 2
After losing money to fees, part-time worker Molly Kane's advice to young people is to be more engaged about their superannuation and to switch funds if they face high fees and low performance. (

John Gunn, ABC News.


But she says Australians have the power to change their fund anytime if it's not delivering.

"Look at your account — are you losing anything in fees?" she says.

"Is your money growing or shrinking? Really have a look and see if there's anything better out there."

Ten years ago Ms Ferris consolidated her funds into one account and now pays closer attention to her fund's performance.

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