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Posted: 2021-07-05 21:39:03

It has been three months since the JobKeeper wage subsidy program ended, and problems are emerging for some workers who initially kept their jobs thanks to the scheme.

Some have now lost their jobs, while others have had hours, pay or conditions cut — in many cases, unlawfully.

One employment law centre has seen a dramatic influx of calls for help from employees chasing entitlements.

Queenslander Vassil Tzvetkov was amongst them, unimpressed with how his employer handled the wind-up of JobKeeper in March.

"I didn't get a call or an email or anything, it was just the final memo or staff update letter that came through," he told the ABC's AM program.

Mr Tzvetkov had worked for exhibition services firm Exponet for 13 years.

Exponet told the ABC the letter encouraged staff to contact the company if they had questions about their ongoing employment.

But, based on the memo, Mr Tzvetkov thought he was out of work, so he went looking for another job.

When he later contacted Exponet to ask for his accumulated leave entitlements to be paid out, the company advised him he would need to resign first.

Seeking a redundancy payment

Friends of Mr Tzvetkov advised him that, as a permanent employee, he should be entitled to a redundancy payment if Exponet no longer needed his services.

Mr Tzvetkov said when he raised the issue of redundancy with Exponet in mid-April, the company decided it needed his services and called him back to work, knowing he had already taken other employment.

Having started another job in March, Mr Tzvetkov said he could not comply with the Exponet's written return-to-work demand issued in early May and again later that month.

Exponet formally terminated his employment.

Exponet has now paid out his leave entitlements but has denied him a redundancy payment because it claims his job still exists.

It also has a slightly different take on the events and communications leading to Mr Tzvetkov's dismissal.

"Mr Tzvetkov's permanent role was available two weeks after JobKeeper ended, however, he decided not to return," the company wrote to the ABC in response to emailed enquiries.

"It was only on 4 May 2021 in a telephone conversation that Mr Tzvetkov stated he did not want to resign (although he previously stated that is what he wanted to do) and that he wanted to be made redundant.

JobWatch sees an influx of calls for help

Mr Tzvetkov sought the help of community legal centre JobWatch.

Its executive director, Zana Bytheway, told AM that JobWatch had seen an influx of callers like Mr Tzvetkov.

"We're getting far too many callers to JobWatch telling us that they've been stood down from their work, even post JobKeeper, [or] that they're working on reduced hours," she said.

Another who sought JobWatch's advice, who we will call John, worked for Jurgens Caravans, which had a factory in outer-Melbourne.

He was on JobKeeper while the factory was closed during last year's lockdowns.

Jurgens reopened briefly from December before being locked out by its landlord in February for missed rent during the shutdown.

John said he again received JobKeeper until the scheme ended, followed by some random part-payments, but could not get in touch with his boss.

"They kept paying the half payment and then they started missing payments along the way and now, since I've given notice and I've started a new job, they've stopped paying me altogether now, even during my notice period," he told AM.

John claimed the shortfall in what he should have been paid is about $6,000. Plus, he claimed he is owed other entitlements, some going back years.

He told the ABC that included around 140 hours of annual leave, although he said Jurgens has subsequently paid out part, but not all, of what John claimed to be owed.

"Also, my super — they haven't paid super for quite some time as well," he added.

Like John, the ABC has been unable to contact Jurgens Caravans.

But the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) has confirmed it is looking into the company.

Information on employee rights

Ms Bytheway said it was vital that workers know their rights.

A spokesperson from the FWO told the ABC there were very limited grounds on which an employer can stand down its workers, mainly relevant during lockdowns.

The FWO also had information about when a redundancy should be paid. It said employees who feel they have been unfairly dismissed or forced to resign instead of being made redundant should contact the Fair Work Commission as soon as possible.

While he waits to be paid what he is owed, John is glad to have found another job.

"I was lucky enough to find a job which pays quite well, which is alright, so we'll be starting to catch up on our bills now," he said.

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