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Posted: 2021-07-30 01:18:11

The Federal Court has largely found in favour of the Transport Workers Union (TWU) against Qantas in a case challenging the outsourcing of about 2,000 ground crew jobs by the airline.

Justice Michael Lee was not convinced by evidence from Qantas and some of its senior executives that its decision to outsource the jobs was not motivated at least in part by the fact the majority were union members and had various workplace rights under enterprise agreements. 

The Fair Work Act prevents employers from taking "adverse action", such as dismissal or redundancy, against an employee because they are a union member, exercising or entitled to a workplace right.

The law put the onus on Qantas to prove that the outsourcing was purely a commercial decision not substantially based around those workplace rights.

On the evidence put to the court, Justice Lee found Qantas failed to prove that was the case, on the balance of probabilities.

Qantas had argued that timing of the outsourcing decision was primarily motivated by the financial hit to the airline from the pandemic, but Justice Lee found otherwise.

"The key concern of making the outsourcing decision at the time that it was made was because of the vanishing window of opportunity," he noted in his judgment.

"The operational disruptions caused by the pandemic were, viewed as at November 2020, likely to continue for some time but not, mercifully, indefinitely.

Workers want jobs back, Qantas to appeal

Qantas workers like Theo Seremetidis are hoping the Federal Court decision means they will get their old jobs back.

Former Qantas worker Theo Seremetidis types on a laptop computer in his yard
Former Qantas worker Theo Seremetidis has been struggling to find stable work since Qantas outsourced his job.(

ABC News: Billy Cooper


"It's amazing. The best news I have received in a long time," Mr Seremetidis told ABC News.

"More than 80 per cent of the [redundant] workers have expressed their desire to go back to work."

A survey by the TWU, which brought the case on behalf of its members, revealed that three quarters of the redundant workers had not found stable employment since Qantas laid them off.

"This judgment is a watershed moment for workers in Australia," said the TWU's national secretary Michael Kaine.

Side-on profile shot of TWU national secretary Michael Kaine in front of the water.
Michael Kaine described the decision as a "watershed moment" in the union's campaigns against outsourcing.(

ABC News: John Gunn


But it is not clear yet what effect the decision will have on the workers whose jobs were outsourced, as the judge has reserved his decision on what orders to make, pending further hearings with Qantas and the union.

Qantas has also already confirmed it would seek to appeal Justice Lee's judgment to the full bench of the Federal Court.

"Qantas was motivated only by lawful commercial reasons, and this will be the subject of our appeal," said group executive John Gissing.

The airline added that if the workers were ultimately reinstated, they would have to return redundancy payments made to them by Qantas.

Mr Seremetidis said he was hoping that the issue could be resolved quickly.

"It's going to be challenging. If we're not able to go back to work," he said.

"It will be further stress and further anxiety, like it has been for the last 10 months."

Judge's 'unease' with Qantas evidence

In reaching his conclusions, Justice Lee was repeatedly sceptical of the candour of the evidence and witnesses Qantas put forward.

"I am not satisfied that Qantas has proved on the balance of probabilities that Mr David did not decide to outsource the ground operations for reasons which included the Relevant Prohibited Reason," noted Justice Lee.

"As will already be obvious, this conclusion reflects my unease as to the state of the evidence on this fact in issue and, in particular, Mr David's evidence when viewed in the light of all the other evidence to which I have made reference."

In particular, the evidence of Paul Jones — Qantas's chief operating officer at the time and who now works for Virgin — undermined Justice Lee's confidence in accepting the testimony of Andrew David, who the judge accepted was responsible for the final outsourcing decision.

"I am affirmatively satisfied that Mr Jones was motivated by the Relevant Prohibited Reason. The closeness of the working relationship between the two men gives me some pause in accepting that Mr David was differently motivated than Mr Jones," Justice Lee observed.

Justice Lee also expressed concerns about the candour of the airline's written evidence, noting that much key industrial relations advice about the proposed outsourcing had been taken verbally with no written records made at the time of the discussions.

He noted that the critical documents that did exist "had been pored over by a team of industrial relations lawyers with eyes attuned to protecting the imminent decision to later potential attack" and that Qantas witnesses were "very well prepared" and "there was a general wariness and lack of spontaneity of the oral evidence".

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