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Posted: 2021-07-30 23:19:53

Three years after its tailings dam wall collapsed in the NSW Central West, Newcrest's Cadia Valley Operations — the world's second largest gold mine — has released their report into tailings dust environmental health impacts.

The report, titled Tailings dust environmental health assessment and monitoring study review, released this month, sought to assure employees and those living in the mine's neighbourhood that dust lift from the CVO tailings dams posed no risk to public health.

It did this, despite acknowledging the presence of efflorescent salts and regular exceedances of particulate matter (PM)2.5, prompting the community to seek expert advice.

A hand poised over notebook, taking notes of a meeting
A local takes notes at the first Cadia and District Protection Group meeting. The release of the report has galvanised the landholders living around the mine's footprint into action. (

ABC Central West: Micaela Hambrett


"The Cadia District Protection Group approached independent expert Dora Pearce on the epidemiological impacts of dust emanating from mine waste," mine neighbour Frances Retallack said.

Dora Pearce is a recently retired environmental epidemiologist whose doctoral research investigated the link between soil arsenic concentration and cancer incidence in the Victorian goldfields.

In her experience with mine waste, she said the presence of efflorescent salts was a serious cause for concern.

What are efflorescent salts?

Efflorescent salts occur on gold mine tailings dams when tailings dry out.

Once any residual moisture evaporates from tailings, a crust of very fine particulate matter can appear on the surface of the tailings, known as efflorescent salts.

Especially subject to wind erosion due to their superfine appearance, efflorescent salts are also likely to be highly concentrated.

Sunrise and dust rises off the mine in central west NSW
Sunrise illuminates tailings dust billowing off the surface of Newcrest's Cadia Valley Operations on June 6, 2021.(

Supplied: Gem Green


"Even when the total metal concentration in tailings is relatively low, a study by Meza-Figueroa et al. in 2009 demonstrated that efflorescent salts accumulated some metals to alarming concentrations," Dr Pearce said.

Since Cadia Valley Operations' northern tailings storage facility embankment slumped in 2018, tailings have been permitted to dry out, given they are no longer contained.

The embankment slump has also coincided with white dust events in the Cadia and Errowanbang valleys, flanking the mine — something the report confirms was likely related.

"Approximately 10 to 20 wt% of deposited dust reporting to DDGs [dust deposit gauges] was in a soluble form, consistent with a theory that highly soluble efflorescent [surface] materials from the tailings would be the most likely to be mobilised as dust in windy conditions and travel the furthest," the report said.

"This suggests, at least to some extent, that deposited dust is influenced by tailings dust."

For Dr Pearce, the dust's white appearance and a resident requiring medical treatment after direct exposure, was cause for serious concern.

Solubility and why it matters

The report notes the presence of "highly soluble efflorescent [surface] materials";  that is, particles that dissolve easily on contact with wet surfaces.

For this reason, the report focused on any impact the dust lift might have had on water quality in the mine neighbourhood, such as dams and rainwater tanks.

However, it does not address any respiratory implications of inhaling efflorescent salts.

When asked if efflorescent salts were known to cause respiratory complications, the report's author, Paul Harrison, said they could.

"I guess; yes, that would be true," Mr Harrison said.

"But I guess the issue is, for respiratory impact, it doesn't have to be soluble."

Tailings dust can be seen gathering on the verandah at a property in the mine's neighbourhood.
Tailings dust can be seen gathering on the verandah at a property in the mine's neighbourhood.(

Supplied: Hilde Gerathy


Dr Pearce said: "Dust emissions offsite from mining operations are known to have the potential to adversely impact the health and wellbeing of exposed communities."

"But disease severity can also be affected by the solubility, chemical characteristics and size of inhaled particles."

Missing samples

Mr Harrison told the ABC that tailings samples taken for the report fell within health guidelines for chemical components.

"There's nothing particularly toxic about them," Mr Harrison said.

"The results are all very low for metal contaminants."

In the report, a company called Earth Systems provided Newcrest with a sampling protocol for the tailings, including taking five bulk samples from each tailings dam and a minimum of three efflorescence-rich samples from each tailings dam surface.

It also prescribed two windblown dust samples be taken adjacent to each tailings dam.

Overall, Earth Systems recommended a total of 16 tailings samples be taken and analysed.

Only eight were taken by Newcrest staff. Of these eight, only two were surface samples.

For Dr Pearce, these deviations from Earth System's prescribed sampling strategy were intensely problematic.

"How can representativeness of tailings dust, particularly in regards to efflorescence, be justified?" Dr Pearce said.

Misnamed monitors

Inconsistencies between tabulated monitor names and mapped locations of monitors also appear in the report, raising concern over accuracy for both Dr Pearce and those living in the mine neighbourhood.

"Comprehensive and precise dust monitoring data is crucial if the environmental health impact of offsite dust emissions is to be correctly interpreted," Dr Pearce explains.

DIY dust monitor is glass bottle with a funnel held in a wire cage
Some residents in the mine neighbourhood are setting up their own makeshift dust monitors in the absence of any industry monitoring. (

Supplied: Sally Green


Monitors – both deposited dust gauges and particulate matter monitors known as TEOMs, were referred to by locations that did not match either their actual geographic location or their listed identification tags.

"Fundamentally, Dr Pearce's point is that the data on which conclusions have been based is flawed from a scientific perspective," resident Mrs Retallack said.

One community monitor

The risk to those living in the mine neighbourhood broadly revolves around exposure to three factors – particulate matter (PM)10, PM2.5 and respirable crystalline silica (RCS).

Despite the report being written to "address community concerns", only one community site was monitored for PM2.5 – and only as an indirect consequence of monitoring for the known lung carcinogen RCS.

As with the tailings, an independent consultant prescribed the sampling protocol for RCS — in this case a company called Todorokski Air Sciences.

Small yard with dust monitoring equipment attached
A dust monitor can be seen at a property other than those recommended for monitoring by the report's external air science consultant.(

Supplied: Hilde Gerathy


However, sampling was not carried out at the two community air monitoring sites recommended by Todoroski, but at other sites chosen by Newcrest.

Exceedances of annual air quality criterion for PM2.5 were frequently observed from July to December 2020 and while the annual criterion for RCS wasn't exceeded during the period, it was elevated as a percentage of the PM10 fraction of tailings samples.

Woman stands addressing a community meeting
Mine neighbour Frances Retallack is pushing for better air quality testing that is compliant with Australia's air quality standards.(

ABC Central West: Micaela Hambrett


For landholders living in the valleys flanking the mine, the monitor and sampling anomalies, as well as limited or selective in-situ community monitors was further evidence Newcrest was failing to take the environmental health impact of the dust events seriously.

"Our resolve is strengthened to keep pushing for proper dust monitoring, particularly PM2.5."

Community health investigation lodged

Following the release of the report, the Cadia and District Protection Group lodged a request for an environmental health impact assessment with NSW Health.

For Errowanbang resident Gem Green, it was about getting a bigger picture.

Woman listens at a community meeting
Errowanbang resident Gem Green believes the community's health deserves protection.(

ABC Central West: Micaela Hambrett


"There are 280 landholders that are known to be receptors of dust by Newcrest," Mrs Green said.

"When you know of a few neighbours with upper respiratory challenges and a significant number of locals who have experienced cancer in the last three years, there are pertinent questions that warrant investigation from a community health point of view.

The move is supported by Dr Pearce, who said the mine's report failed to prove there was no risk to the community's environmental health, given the limited data.

"The commencement of analysis of metals concentrations in PM10 in April 2020, and PM2.5 and RCS concentrations in July 2020, has delayed the availability of environmental health data required to protect the potentially exposed community and instigate mitigation measures," Dr Pearce said.

Peaple mingle Outside a community hall
The Cadia and District Protection Group met for the first time in June this year in response to concerns about Cadia Valley Operation's impact on the mine neighbourhood.(

ABC Central West: Micaela Hambrett


Dr Pearce believes it should not be the responsibility of a community to ask for environmental studies.

"Requesting a community environmental health assessment is a huge task for a community," Dr Pearce said.

Newcrest's statement

Newcrest's Cadia Valley Operations provided the following statement to the ABC in response to an interview request:

"In 2019, Cadia commissioned a tailings dust environmental health assessment and monitoring study review [the Study] through Serinus Health Safety and Environment consultants. The Study required the collection of data over a nominated period, then an extensive assessment and review process, before the public release of the Study in July 2021.

The Study has been developed by reputable, independent specialists who are considered experts in their field. It is a compilation of studies, with the final report peer reviewed, evaluated and consolidated into one final document [referenced as 'The Study'].

While the Study is a highly technical report, it concludes that based on the data and information available from the Study, and the ambient dust levels measured by the Study, there is no current evidence to suggest that dust from the CVO tailings storage facilities or emissions from the mine ventilation system pose a health risk to the community.

The Study has been released publicly, along with a fact sheet which provides a high level summary of the Study's findings. We have also presented the outcomes of the Study at two community meetings over the past six months, where Paul Harrison, the author of the primary Study, presents his findings.

The Study also details a series of recommendations, which has been welcomed by Cadia. Based on these recommendations, we will continue our monitoring program, particularly focussing on ambient air quality sampling around the operation. We will continue to provide regular updates on dust management activities to the community.

We continue to welcome the opportunity to discuss the Study and its findings with the community through our regular community consultation meetings, and at the request of our community members."

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