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Posted: 2021-08-11 21:48:59

Power companies will soon be able to charge Australians with rooftop solar panels for exporting electricity to the grid, under new rules introduced by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC).

The plan to allow export tariffs was flagged in a draft determination in March, with a final decision handed down on Thursday.

About 20 per cent of all customers now partly meet their electricity needs through rooftop solar power generation, up from just 0.2 per cent in 2007.

That is predicted to more than double over the next two decades.

AEMC chief executive Benn Barr said households selling their excess power back into the grid are putting increasingly unmanageable strain on a system that was not set up to be two-way.

The changes were welcomed by welfare groups but opposed by some solar owners when they were initially announced, and the AEMC said it had "listened to the feedback" and "tightened protections for consumers".

Mr Barr said the reforms put obligations on networks to get power from people's homes.

They will not be able to impose flat fees, and charges will only be imposed when there is congestion on the grid.

A man wearing a blue shirt under a blue jacket.
Benn Barr said households feeding excess power back into the grid are putting strain on the system.(

ABC News: Shaun Kingma


Power providers will be able to develop a range of packages for consumers to choose from, but they must include a "free basic service", the AEMC said.

But Mr Barr said many people would find they would be financially better off choosing a paid option, because of the likely returns.

"If you don't want to pay for exports, you don't have to," Mr Barr said.

"[But] if you can move your power around, you'll get incentives to do that."

The AEMC said having a home battery provided one such option, because battery owners could "store energy and send it to the grid when the price is higher".

So-called "traffic jams" in the network are increasingly forcing power companies to stop households from exporting solar energy back into the grid.

The new rules will prevent network companies from putting blanket bans on that occurring.

"You're seeing in Victoria these export bans when people want to connect to the grid, they're told they can't connect anything," Mr Barr said.

"That's really costing them, it's slowing us down from decarbonising the sector faster. We want to get more solar in the system, but we want smart solar."

The changes are in response to Australia's evolving energy landscape and growing solar uptake, with generators and regulators faced with the perpetually delicate task of balancing supply with changes in demand.

A graph
The two yellow shades mark the time on October 11 when all of SA's power came from solar panels.(

Supplied: OpenNEM


One in four Australian homes has solar capability — which is among the highest rates anywhere in the world.

Last year, South Australia became the first major jurisdiction in the world to be powered entirely by solar energy.

For just over an hour on Sunday, October 11, 100 per cent of energy demand was met by solar panels alone.

Solar still a 'really good investment'

Modelling done by the AEMC found that, in a worst-case scenario, existing solar customers would still be able to earn 90 per cent of their current revenue without making changes to their consumption behaviour.

"Solar remains a really, really good investment for consumers and the modelling in the report really gives evidence to that," Mr Barr said.

Home battery storage
The AEMC said the changes could reward those with home batteries.(

Supplied: Michael McGarvie


Proposals for regulatory change came not just from power distribution company SA Power Networks, but also welfare groups, including St Vincent de Paul and the Australian Council of Social Service.

They argued that under the current system, households without solar could be unfairly burdened with the cost of augmenting power networks to cope with the growing number of new panels.

Mr Barr said that, under the new rules, "the 80 per cent of customers without solar will actually see their bills drop by about $15 a year".

The changes will not come into effect until July 2025 — a deadline that Mr Barr said gave time for "networks to work with consumers, households, governments, and design the best package" to suit individual states and territories.

Networks will also have to get any proposed packages approved by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).

"The businesses need to go out and consult on what's best, they need to talk to households and jurisdictions and the regulator has to sign off that they're actually in the best interests of consumers in the long term," he said.

Solar panels on a roof overlooking Adelaide.
Adelaide has among the highest levels of solar uptake.(

ABC News: Dean Faulkner


While there has been some strong opposition to the introduction of any export charges, including from solar panel owners, Mr Barr said the changes were essential for Australia's future, and doing nothing was not an option.

"What we're trying to do is actually look to the future and a grid where it's not just solar and solar exporting, but it's also home batteries or community batteries or electric vehicles, and getting the grid ready for that," he said.

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