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Posted: 2021-08-15 18:59:56

Centrelink and debt collectors working on behalf of the Australian government have been chasing people to pay back millions in welfare money allegedly overpaid to them during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It comes as companies hold on to $4.6 billion in JobKeeper payments despite recording profits, raising allegations of "double standards".

Yet experts say Centrelink's role in chasing alleged overpayments is a longstanding bureaucratic issue that goes far beyond the current government or COVID-19 crisis.

Regional Queensland woman Deborah Tidbury is one of the welfare recipients who have been pursued by Centrelink this year to pay back money after receiving both JobSeeker and JobKeeper during the pandemic.

"The whole system is just wrong. It's just wrong on so many levels. But when you're not part of the system, you just don't get it," she said.

How many people owe COVID money to Centrelink?

Services Australia revealed that as of April this year it had identified at least 11,000 people who owed a total of $32.8 million to Centrelink.

The department that runs Centrelink said these debts were due to people getting welfare, such as JobSeeker or Austudy, while also receiving JobKeeper income support from their employer.

Until it was axed in March, JobKeeper was managed by the Australian Taxation Office, which paid money directly to eligible companies that then passed it on to workers as a $750 weekly payment.

A lawyer who represented people with Centrelink debts said it appeared many of the alleged Centrelink overpayments being raised this year happened when people were given overlapping income support by the two separate departments.

"We call them pandemic-related debts," Social Security Rights Victoria principal lawyer Emily Singh said.

"What we're seeing is that they generally relate to the overpayment of JobSeeker because people were getting JobSeeker and JobKeeper at the same time."

a woman sitting on a chair looking at a centrelink website on her ipad
Deborah Tidbury says she notified Centrelink of the overpayment early in the pandemic.(

ABC News: Johanna Marie


Ms Tidbury believes her Centrelink overpayment happened early in the pandemic.

She had been working full time at an industrial bakery on the Sunshine Coast for six years when COVID-19 hit in early 2020.

"When the pandemic hit, I was just like everybody else. My job disappeared overnight," she said. 

"I went through the process of signing on [to get JobSeeker]."

Ms Tidbury said she did not get receive JobSeeker payments for several weeks and was later transitioned to JobKeeper through her employer at the bakery.

Early in the pandemic, she said, she saw she had been paid a week's too much JobSeeker support and called Centrelink straight away to inform it there had been an overpayment.

"They told me no, they'd have only given me a payment I was entitled to [and] if there was a debt, I'd receive a debt payment down the track," Ms Tidbury said.

"I left the money in my savings account, which I'm so pleased I did."

'We have paid you too much'

Almost a year later, in February this year, Ms Tidbury received letters from Centrelink telling her she had been overpaid and had to pay back $550 in the COVID-19 supplement and $498.59 in JobSeeker.

The ABC has sighted the letters sent to Ms Tidbury.

"We have checked your [payment] and have found we have paid you too much," one reads.

black and white letters with big writing saying overpayment
Centrelink is sending debt recovery letters to people who were overpaid pandemic support.(

ABC News: Emilia Terzon


Ms Tidbury said she was "absolute seething" after reading the correspondence.

"It was just how it was worded. Like it was my fault. Like I was the one that made the mistake," she said.

The ABC has found other examples of people being pursued in recent months to pay back welfare payments.

In one instance seen by the ABC, a person on AUSTUDY who never received JobKeeper was asked to pay back $150 of the COVID supplement in May, and the request was followed up with letters in June when they did not pay.

"You can stop interest being applied by paying your debt or keeping to a payment arrangement," the letter to that person reads.

The letter notes the debt has been raised through data matching with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), which records people's income when they work.

"We data-match with the ATO to help recover debts. Our data-matching meets guidelines set by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner," it reads.

In this instance, lawyer Ms Singh said it could be that the person on welfare also earned money through approved work, and the system had determined over time that they were not entitled to some welfare they got.

"One of the problems with the way Centrelink issues debt notices is that people are given debt notices without any information in them as to why a debt has been raised against them," she said.

"It doesn't provide any additional information as to why Centrelink has calculated that debt or how they've come to that debt figure.

She said Centrelink had a longstanding policy of chasing overpayments and applying interest to unpaid debt that went far back before COVID-19.

And it's not just interest that can be accrued

In another example seen by the ABC, a person Centrelink said received more than $3,800 in JobKeeper overpayments and COVID supplements while they were getting AUSTUDY had their case forwarded to debt collectors.

"The Australian government, Services Australia has escalated your outstanding Centrelink debt to PROBE for Collection," a letter from July 2021 warned.

It goes on to state that if the person does not pay their $3,800 debt or start a payment plan, there could be repercussions.

Ms Singh said, to her knowledge, Centrelink only sent matters to debt collectors once clients were no longer receiving welfare.

In a statement, Minister for Social Services Linda Reynolds said people currently COVID lockdowns would not be pursued for debts – for now.

"We completely understand that many people are still doing it tough," the minister said.

Government maintains welfare recipients knew the system

Despite pausing debt recovery, Ms Reynolds told the Senate last week people were fully aware of their reporting obligations during the pandemic.

Two women sitting in at a desk on red seats
Liberal senator Linda Reynolds (right) told Parliament last week people knew their reporting obligations when receiving the JobKeeper payment.(

ABC News: Matt Roberts


"It's the responsibility of people receiving the JobSeeker payment, or other related social security payments, to report their employment income correctly and accurately to Services Australia, and that includes if they were also receiving JobKeeper in addition to JobSeeker," she said.

"Around 79,000 individuals identified as being at risk of incurring an overpayment as they were declaring minimal income were contacted by Services Australia from July last year — that is, 2020.

"When a person is overpaid, my agencies will always write to them to let them know how much they were overpaid and explain why they owe money."

However, Ms Singh disagreed. She said there was "a lot of confusion" as new payments like JobKeeper were set up by the government in the midst of a global crisis.

"Our clients are reporting that there was a lot of confusion around their eligibility for those two payments, confusion around the way the two payments were issued, the way they overlapped," Ms Singh said.

"There was lots of misunderstanding around whether or not JobKeeper was being issued by Centrelink through their employer.

a woman at a computer smiles
SSRV's principal lawyer Emily Singh is urging people with Centrelink debts to contact free legal centres for advice.(

Supplied: Emily Singh


Ms Singh said some clients had conflicting advice from Centrelink.

"We had an example of a client who was stranded overseas due to the pandemic. He went online to apply for JobSeeker and ticked that he was overseas," Ms Singh said.

"He was brought to a Services Australia's website that said: You're overseas and you might not be eligible, but you can continue anyway. And we'll determine if you're eligible or not.

"He went through and finalised the application and started receiving JobSeeker for a number of months.

"He's now one of these people that's been issued a debt from this period for receipt of JobSeeker that he wasn't eligible for, even though he told Centrelink all of the correct information.

"So there are there are numerous different reasons why people might have debts from this period."

'Harvey Norman didn't have to pay back the payment back but I did'

While she is furious at the system, Ms Tidbury did pay back her Centrelink debt.

"I didn't really trust the system at all, which is why I left that money to one side," she said.

"Once I simmered down, I went into a payment plan to pay Centrelink back, which I have now done.

"As I said, I had the money sitting in my account there so it was pretty straightforward to pay it back.

The kicker for her is that she vividly remembers receiving her first Centrelink debt notice in February as ASX-listed company Harvey Norman made headlines for receiving JobKeeper and then posting bumper profits.

"[Harvey Norman] didn't have to pay [back the JobKeeper] payment back but I did," she said.

Harvey Norman declined to comment.

Companies that recorded a profit while receiving JobKeeper have not been told to hand back these payments, and the system that produced JobKeeper was set up differently from Centrelink payments.

However, the contrast between these two areas has seen the likes of Greens senator Rachel Siewert say there are "double standards" in the treatment of individuals receiving income assistance and businesses claiming JobKeeper.

"It is outrageous that people on income support have debt notices. Where are the debt notices for the billionaires?" Senator Siewert said.

The ABC revealed last month that companies took $4.6 billion in JobKeeper payments despite recording profits.

However, the government has pointed out that it is also pursuing JobKeeper overpayments, with the ATO having identified $284 million owed back.

About half of that cash has so far been clawed back.

"As everyone in the House knows, governments of all persuasions have a responsibility to ensure that debts are recovered fairly, lawfully, transparently and respectfully," the Minister for Employment, Stuart Robert, told Question Time last week.

'Its really difficult to get Centrelink debts waived'

After JobKeeper ended in March, Ms Tidbury went back onto JobSeeker.

More than 18 months into the pandemic, she has been unable to find another job.

"I'm in that age group where nobody really wants to employ you, unfortunately," she said.

a woman sitting on a chair looking at a centrelink website on her ipad
Deborah Tidbury received her debt collection letters from Centrelink in February this year.(

ABC News: Johanna Marie


Ms Tidbury paid back her debt but she said she felt sorry for welfare recipients who did not set aside cash and were now being pursued over debts as the pandemic raged on.

"My heart's with you guys. It's just a horrible system. It really is. It's just horrible. Horrible, nasty," Ms Tidbury said.

Ms Singh said people had free legal avenues to appeal to Centrelink or even to go to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal – but no challenge was certain.

"It's really, really difficult to get Centrelink debts waived," she said.

Ms Singh said people who had received COVID-19 support overpayment letters had been coming to Social Security Rights Victoria (SSRV) for legal advice since April and that she expected test cases to be run in the courts over "pandemic-related debts" in the coming months.

Ms Singh said Centrelink was doing what was lawful under its recovery system but the federal government had the power to intervene.

"I think that's unlikely," she said.

"I would like to say that they would consider the pandemic a special circumstance. It's not necessarily going to be the case."

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