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Posted: 2021-08-26 03:59:18

On a cloudless and warm day like so many others during Australia's northern dry season, the power station at Onslow fell eerily quiet.

It was late June and the electricity system servicing the small town, 1,300 kilometres north of Perth, had just undergone a remarkable transformation.

For the first time, Onslow's power demand was being met entirely from the energy generated by the sun.

The fleet of heavy and noisy gas-fired turbines that were the mainstay of Onslow's needs had been switched off.

In something of a eureka moment for energy watchers, solar backed by large-scale batteries successfully ran an electricity network for 80 minutes.

But that it had not been achieved until this year, and could not stay up for longer, highlighted the difficulties of going 100 per cent renewable, energy watchers said.

A large tree stands next to a highway as the sun rises.
Sunrise on the outskirts of Kununurra.(

ABC Kimberley: Andrew Seabourne


Solar 'double-edged sword'

For Stephanie Unwin, the chief of regional WA electricity provider Horizon Power, the popularity of solar is a double-edged sword.

"Up until now you … had unmanaged solar, which therefore is just utilising the system whenever it's on, and that creates a lot of problems from an overall reliability perspective," Ms Unwin said.

"That doesn't always work in a nice way and that's where you get fluctuations in the power supply, problems at the household, and problems at the central station too."

Woman wearing white polo shirt and blue blazer in the sun.
Horizon Power chief Stephanie Unwin says coordinating disparate energy sources is key.(

ABC News: Tom Edwards


The challenges Onslow confronts are symptomatic of the wider dilemma facing energy systems around the world.

Given the switch to renewable sources such as solar power, how do you accommodate ever increasing amounts of intermittent and often uncontrolled generation without compromising the security of the electricity system?

Taming the belly of the duck

The landmark trial taking place in Onslow is seeking to answer that question and could hold lessons for energy systems around the world, including the National Electricity Market on Australia's east coast.

Central to the task is dealing with the so-called belly of the duck.

The term refers to the way the flood of rooftop solar power during the middle of the day hollows out demand for electricity drawn from the grid.

Line graph showing electricity demand during the day, with the picture of a duck superimposed over the top
The 'duck curve' explains the hollowing out of electricity demand during the day.(

Supplied: Western Power


Ms Unwin said rooftop solar was increasingly displacing conventional generators which have traditionally provided the back-up services needed to keep the grid secure.

However, she said that while conventional generators were relatively easy to control and manage, it was a different case with residential solar which put energy into the grid largely uncontrolled and was more volatile in its output.

As part of the trial, Horizon partnered with Californian technology company PXiSE to develop a technology that aimed to overcome these problems.

The system can coordinate hundreds of disparate rooftop solar panels along with Horizon's large-scale solar farm on the outskirts of Onslow and a big battery that is used for backup.

It also allows Horizon to better predict incoming weather to ensure the grid can respond to changes in solar output.

"At one level, you've got a whole bunch of customers with solar on their roofs, and then at the utility end you have centralised gas-fired power stations, solar farms, batteries," Ms Unwin said.

"That's effectively what we've done."

Trial 'internationally significant'

Earlier this year, the technology enabled Horizon to run Onslow on 100 per cent renewable energy for 80 minutes.

Computer screen with graphs of ele
Electricity provision is a high wire act: supply has to perfectly match demand at all times.(

ABC News: Tom Edwards


Ms Unwin likened the platform to rules of a busy highway, saying unmanaged rooftop solar was tantamount to a driver "going wherever it wants on the road".

A key feature of the Onslow trial is the absence of any of the usual safeguards that keep electricity systems secure.

WA Energy Minister Bill Johnston noted that during the trial Onslow was run entirely on solar panels and batteries, which use inverters to put electricity into the grid.

By comparison, he said attempts to run grids elsewhere on 100 per cent renewable energy had relied on so-called spinning reserves — typically turbines in hydro power stations — to provide the necessary backup.

Similarly, grids as big as South Australia's had notionally been powered totally from solar output, but the minister noted they were backed up by other states.

Mr Johnston said the working being done in Onslow was groundbreaking.

"But what we're doing here is learning how to do it."

Bearded man wearing shirt
WA Energy Minister Bill Johnston says the Onslow trial is globally important.(

ABC News: Tom Edwards


Mr Johnston said the lessons from the Onslow trial would be far-reaching and could pave the way for greater renewable energy adoption in other grids, including the NEM.

"What we want to be able to do in the future in the larger south-west grid is to effectively un-limit the amount of solar energy that's put into the system," he said.

"So that we can have the best benefit out of the very important, low-carbon energy."

Keeping the aircon running key

Onslow resident Irene Barker knows better than most the value of a reliable power supply.

Grey haired lady standing in front of her house.
Irene Barker says she "didn't notice a thing" when Onslow's power went 100 per cent renewable.(

ABC News: Tom Edwards


Like almost everyone in Onslow, the 77-year-old runs her air conditioner for much of the year to deal with the area's scorching heat.

Historically, it was a dependence that had its downsides.

"The Christmas before the solar panels were [installed] here in Onslow we had a $1,200 power bill," she said.

Since her late husband Leo had the solar panels installed two years ago, Mrs Barker said she had barely paid a cent for her electricity.

What's more, she said she did not even notice any changes to her power supply when Onslow went 100 per cent renewable for more than an hour.

She said most people in Onslow were happy to embrace solar power, especially if it kept the air conditioner running.

"What do I make of them? I think they're wonderful." she said.

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