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Posted: 2021-08-26 08:27:22

The Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Angus Taylor, is battling to get support from the states and territories for his plan to get electricity retailers to pay coal and gas-fired power generators to keep operating.

The federal government wants to introduce a Physical Retailer Reliability Obligation (PRRO) to ensure there is enough energy available in the National Electricity Market (NEM) at all times to fill gaps when wind and solar power cannot meet demand.

The PRRO would require energy retailers to pay for spare energy capacity in case it is needed.

That spare capacity could come from renewable resources like batteries, pumped hydro, and demand management, but the federal government wants it to also include unused capacity in coal and gas-fired power plants.

That could see energy retailers giving money to coal-fired plants and prolonging their use through the system, if their existing spare capacity is cheaper than developing new storage options.

While the Commonwealth is aggressively promoting it, the states and territories are yet to be convinced, given the scheme could undermine investment in the renewable alternatives.

A spokeswoman for the Victorian government said a "clear transition plan to maintain system reliability" was necessary, but pointed to the need for more work on the design plans.

"There has been no agreement on a specific model, including whether coal should be eligible for payments," she said.

"In assessing any model, Victoria will be guided by the need for a well-managed transition that aligns with our strong emissions reduction targets."

The ACT government is supportive of a system to ensure capacity in the electricity system, but has major reservations about the details of the proposed PRRO.

solar panels foreground, tree covered hill and blue sky behind
Angus Taylor says the PRRO is necessary to "firm" the grid given the record levels of investment in renewable energy.(

Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images


"Our future energy policies must focus on supporting this transition, on clean technologies, and definitely not on propping up coal generators," said ACT Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury.

"Our priority during detailed design work will be to ensure that any mechanism isn't keeping coal or gas generation in the system for any longer than is required to maintain the reliability of the electricity system.

NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean is "carefully examining" the details to "ensure any proposals work alongside the (NSW Electricity Infrastructure) Roadmap and do not increase costs for consumers".

"We look forward to working with our state and federal colleagues over the coming months as these proposed rule changes are progressed," he said.

Broader energy shakeup underway

The PRRO plan is part of advice from the Energy Security Board (ESB) on a broader shake-up of how the National Energy Market operates beyond 2025.

The ESB advice, which has recently been made public, covers a range of issues affecting generation, transmission and storage of energy across Australia's east coast, but the PRRO is the most contentious issue.

The drawn-out discussion over the future for the NEM comes to a crunch next month, with state, territory and federal energy ministers hoping to come to an agreement so that it can be signed off by National Cabinet shortly after.

Angus Taylor wearing a blue suit and white and blue spotted tie mid-sentence in front of a white marble wall
Energy Minister Angus Taylor says the PRRO could help provide energy security to consumers.(

ABC News: Tamara Penniket


Mr Taylor insisted the PRRO was necessary to "firm" the grid given the record levels of investment in variable renewable energy.

"Our manufacturers, our households, our small businesses need to know when they flick the switch, when the sun has gone down, that the lights will still go on," he told federal parliament.

He pointed to rises in the wholesale electricity price after the closure of Hazelwood power station in Victoria in 2017 as a scenario the PRRO could help avoid.

But recent research by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis and Green Energy Markets said the electricity market has changed significantly since 2017.

"All states across the NEM have enough power capacity for the next decade to meet the strict reliability standard of satisfying more than 99.998 per cent of demand," said Tristan Edis, co-author of the report.

"There are also thousands of megawatts of further battery projects in development which could be committed to construction if required."

Their report estimates the PRRO could cost households between $182 to $430 a year, based on the costs of a similar scheme operating in Western Australia.

Renewables against PRRO

While major coal and gas-fired energy generators have backed the PRRO plan, renewable energy companies have been campaigning against the proposal.

Tesla Energy, Flow Power, Amber Electric and Enova Community Power recently signed an open letter to the federal government and the Energy Security Board opposing the PRRO.

They argue it would "prop up unprofitable coal generators" and in doing so, increase market concentration and risk increasing consumers' power bills.

"A new PRRO would force retailers to buy new certificates from existing coal and gas generators; effectively a subsidy from consumers to generators," their open letter reads.

Greens leader Adam Bandt has criticised the federal government's policy, too, arguing it amounts the the public "subsidising coal and gas."

"Renewables are the cheapest form of energy and this move is an admission that fossil fuels are too expensive, unreliable and polluting to survive without public money," he said.

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