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Posted: 2021-09-06 22:06:08

The claim

Wages growth in Australia has been sluggish for years, well before the coronavirus pandemic hit the economy.

In a Facebook post, Federal Labor claimed that "under Scott Morrison real wages have fallen 2.1 per cent in 12 months, the fastest drop in wages in 20 years".


Is it correct that real wages declined by 2.1 per cent over a year? And was this the biggest decline for two decades? RMIT ABC Fact Check investigates.

The verdict

Labor's claim is not the full story.

Real wages — that is, wages adjusted for inflation — were 2.1 per cent lower in the June quarter of 2021 compared to the June quarter of 2020, when calculated using headline figures for the consumer price index and the wage price index, both published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

This was indeed the sharpest annual fall recorded since June 2001, when real wages plunged 2.3 per cent following the introduction of the GST.

A pile of $50 Australian notes on a white background.
The 2020-21 financial year was an unusual year for headline inflation, which affects headline real wages.(

ABC News


However, the steep decline in real wages over the year reflected the inflationary effect of two unusually large and temporary price increases, both reversing sharp declines a year earlier.

First, the cost of childcare returned to normal levels after a key pandemic response introduced in the June quarter of 2020 — free childcare — ended.

Second, fuel prices roared back from a record pandemic-induced drop that likewise occurred in the June quarter of 2020.

These two large and one-off price movements were significant enough to prompt the ABS to suggest that "underlying" measures of inflation should be considered as an alternative to the headline rate.

In particular, the bureau highlighted its "trimmed mean" inflation estimate, which slices abnormally large price changes from its calculations.

When this measure of inflation is applied, real wages in fact increased very slightly over the full year.

While still pointing to sluggish real wages growth, by this measure the annual decline was much less dire than the headline inflation figure — or the Labor Party's Instagram post — would suggest.

Measuring real wages

Fact Check has examined a number of claims relating to real wages in recent years, including a claim by Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese that real wages had "flatlined" for eight years.

The quarterly wage price index, released by the ABS, is used as a key benchmark for comparing wage movement over time.

It shows changes in average hourly wage and salary costs for a given job, and is uninfluenced by changes in the quality or quantity of work performed, or the shifting structure of the jobs market over time.

The bureau also publishes quarterly average weekly earnings figures, showing the dollar value of average pay packets.

However, this measure can be influenced by changes to the composition or structure of the labour force, such as the mix between full-time and part-time work, casual and permanent work, or the ratio of blue collar to white collar jobs.

Fact Check has consequently relied upon the wage price index to assess Labor's latest claim, which the party posted on Instagram on August 22, 2021, four days after the ABS released wage price index data for the June quarter.

Fact Check used seasonally adjusted figures for total rates of pay excluding bonuses, the index highlighted by the bureau in its releases.

The wage data was then converted into "real" figures using the consumer price index, giving a measure of the "buying power" of pay packets over time after taking inflation (or changes to the cost of living) into account.

As discussed in more detail below, Fact Check considered both the ABS's headline inflation series, and its "trimmed mean" measure which lops usually volatile items from the calculation.

So what happened to real wages?

Wages, as measured by the wage price index, rose 1.7 per cent in annual terms. That was more than offset by a 3.8 per cent jump in the headline inflation rate, as measured by the consumer price index.

On these measures, real wages fell by 2.1 per cent in annual terms.

This was the biggest decline, in annual terms, since June 2001, after the introduction of the GST triggered a temporary inflation spike that was offset through various tax and welfare changes.These figures are consistent with Labor's claim.

The steep annual fall in the June quarter of 2021 was mirrored by a near-identical increase in the June quarter of 2020.

Rather than representing a sustained decline in real wages, the June quarter decline saw real wages returning to a similar level prevailing before the June quarter 2020 spike.

What's going on?

Kid's Guardian Angel Child Care Centre, Lurnea
Large fluctuations related to the pandemic, such as the removal of full subsidies for child care, made the headline inflation data in the most recent year less reliable.(



The ABS described the annual rise in inflation in the June quarter — which was chiefly responsible for the fall in real wages — as being influenced by "base effects".

According to the bureau, there were two big influences on the annual inflation result in the June quarter.

First, inflation spiked after free childcare — a measure put in place during the June quarter 2020 as part of the Federal Government's response to the pandemic — ended on July 12, 2020.

This resulted in an extraordinary 2,009.2 per cent increase in the cost of childcare over the year.

Second, fuel prices bounced back 27.3 per cent over the year after a pandemic-induced slump in the June quarter of 2020.

Michelle Marquardt, head of price statistics at the ABS, said in a news release the annual inflation surge was significantly influenced by COVID-19-related price changes from this time last year.

"Key drivers included the full unwinding of the Federal Government's free childcare package implemented in the June quarter last year, as well as a full return from the drop in fuel prices seen in the same quarter. These ‘base effects' led to a sharp increase in the annual CPI movement."

This sharp and temporary increase in the headline inflation figure, in turn, underpinned the apparent fall in real wages over the year.

What do less volatile measures of inflation show?

The bureau said in situations where headline inflation was unduly influenced by one-off price changes, it was useful to consider underlying inflation measures such as the trimmed mean, designed to remove large, one-off price impacts.

This is calculated by ordering price changes for the various components making up the consumer price index from lowest to highest, lopping away those that lie at the two outer edges of the distribution of price changes, and then calculating an average inflation rate from the remaining set of price changes.

Fact Check undertook a real wages calculation using the bureau's trimmed mean measure of inflation, which is part of its analytical series.

The trimmed mean series dates back to June 2002.

As the graph shows, using this measure of inflation, real wages did not fall in annual terms in the June quarter. Rather, real wages increased, albeit modestly, by 0.1 per cent.

This is by no means a strong result. On this measure, annual real wages growth in the June quarter of 2021 was the weakest since the December quarter of 2015.

Wages growth remains weak

Hands take Australian money notes out of a wallet.
Though wages didn't fall in the most recent 12 month period, experts say they are still stagnating.(

AAP: Alan Porritt


Grattan Institute economist Tom Crowley said it was appropriate to use the trimmed mean inflation measure as a way of "looking past" unusual price fluctuations triggered by the pandemic.

Mr Crowley said although the fall in real wages over the year was not the largest for 20 years (after applying the trimmed mean inflation figure), this did not change the fact that wages had been stagnating "for some time now".

"Even if we do return to a pre-pandemic normal, it was a bad normal, and we need to think about how we get wages growing again," Mr Crowley said.

"I would consider that to be a more important question."

Phil Lewis, economics professor and director of the Centre for Labour Market Research at the University of Canberra, said it was difficult to get an accurate handle on real wages, with the pandemic affecting different sectors in different ways.

Professor Lewis said various government payments further complicated the situation.

He said using the trimmed mean inflation measure was one way to take account of quirks linked to the pandemic.

"It's not exactly clear what is going on in the economy because of one-off events, and that is why they use the trimmed mean," Professor Lewis said.

"But it's fairly inevitable that wages growth is going to be weak, because the economy is weak."

Professor Lewis said in a broader sense, weak wages growth could be linked to lower productivity, and a longer-term structural shift from union dominated employment towards service sector roles.

Principal researcher: Economics and Finance Editor, Josh Gordon


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