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Posted: 2022-12-22 02:50:47

An internal Liberal Party review of the Coalition's devastating election defeat has found Scott Morrison was a decisive factor in the result and has recommended an overhaul of the party organisation to end factional infighting and improve candidate preselections.

The reviews authors, Liberal senator Jane Hume and former federal Liberal director Brian Loughnane, described the result as "the most serious loss for the party in its history". 

"The Liberal Party now holds only four of the 44 inner metropolitan seats," the review notes.

"Of particular concern in the results is that in seats with high numbers of female professional voters, the Liberal Party only holds three of the top 30 seats where previously it held 15."

The reviewers noted that the Liberal Party now had the lowest number of women in its parliamentary ranks since 1993, and said it should adopt a target of equal representation within three terms, or 10 years.

But they stopped short of saying this target should be mandated, instead saying state branches should be able to determine themselves how to reach that target.

A woman with brown hair mid-sentence
Liberal senator Jane Hume conducted the review alongside Brian Loughnane.(ABC News: Matt Roberts)

Senator Hume and Mr Loughnane said a number of factors contributed to the loss, but the demands of managing COVID-19, allegations of poor treatment towards women within the government and party, and "scandal, disunity and instability" in the government were key contributors to the Coalition's defeat.

"Put simply, by the time of the election the Coalition had lost control of its brand, with the parties and their leaders being defined in the public's mind by our opponents," Senator Hume and Mr Loughnane said. 

"We were not in control of the politics, and we were unable to frame the electoral contest. Rather it was set by our opponents."

The review also noted the way Mr Morrison handled many of those issues had a direct impact on the election outcome.

"As a consequence, the Prime Minister's standing with voters deteriorated significantly through 2021 to become a significant negative," it said.

"The Prime Minister and the Party were seen as 'out of touch'.

"The leadership choice between Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese became the most influential driver of voting intention during the campaign period."

Earlier this month, Labor released its election review, which concluded Mr Morrison's "unpopularity" was the single biggest factor in the party's election victory.

But it also noted the loss of support for Labor in heartland areas was of "significant concern".

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