Posted: 2024-05-23 04:49:59

The installation of the intricate glass facade at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre’s new theatre will take about a year, developer Lendlease has revealed, kicking the already delayed delivery further down the road.

Arts Minister Leeanne Enoch told state parliament on Thursday there had been a “number of challenges” including major flooding in 2022, several contractor insolvencies, bad weather and global supply chain issues.

Render of the new theatre, currently under construction at QPAC.

Render of the new theatre, currently under construction at QPAC.Credit: Lendlease

“But that doesn’t take away from the fact that as the arts minister, I’m so deeply disappointed for the arts sector that this project has been delayed again,” she said.

“This project, when completed, will make our performing arts centre, our complex, the largest in Australia.”

Brisbane’s 2022 floods had delayed work on the $175 million theatre, currently being built under the working name of the New Performing Arts Venue, pushing its expected opening to the middle of this year.

But, with June just around the corner, the site on the corner of Grey and Russell streets at South Brisbane remained a construction site.

Work under way on the new theatre.

Work under way on the new theatre.Credit: Lendlease

Enoch said the government was working with the company and the department on “the review of any cost implications because of Lendlease’s updated program” in delivering the NPAV.

Lendlease construction managing director David Paterson said, despite the delay, a significant project milestone had been reached. But the tricky part was still to come.

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