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Posted: 2017-02-10 16:33:49
Western Advocate'Catastrophic' fire danger looms in could experience its hottest February day on record this weekend with emergency services staying on high alert for catastrophic fire conditions. A state-wide total fire ban has been declared for Saturday as the mercury soars past...
Posted: 2017-02-10 20:44:00 heatwave: State due for hotter temperatures as records fall and sport in parts of NSW could be forced to leave their homes tonight with a 'catastrophic' fire declaration expected amid worsening fire conditions never seen before in NSW t...
Posted: 2017-02-10 13:16:09
The AustralianTop-brass NSW cops face clear-out threatThe AustralianA leading contender to take over as head of the country's biggest police force, the current Australian Border Force commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg, would if appointed conduct a sweeping review of senior ranks in a bid to end years of...
Posted: 2017-02-10 13:15:07
The Sydney Morning HeraldCatholic education system under a cloud after child sex abuse commission findingsThe Sydney Morning HeraldMark Fabbro remembers most vividly the flowering callistemon and blue sky outside the window of the small room tucked behind the priest's office. Everything else – the...
Posted: 2017-02-10 12:15:21
Courier MailStrachan inquiry finds restrictive union work rules part of problems at Queensland RailCourier MailAS PREMIER Annastacia Palaszczuk faced the media over the damning results of a probe into how the wheels came off Queensland Rail, it wasn't long before an uncomfortable question lobbed: â€...