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Posted: 2018-01-11 09:09:18
Dubs Yunipingu is helping put a fresh spin on Lewis Caroll's classic tale. For the first time, the heroine is being played by a "proud Indigenous woman" — and that's just the first twist on the story.
Posted: 2018-01-11 04:06:31
Once a year Sydney's Central railway station turns into a sweaty sea of black sideburn wigs and tight jumpsuits to honour the King.
Posted: 2018-01-11 03:33:03
A literary scholar and supermodel Lily Cole are feuding over what Wuthering Heights author Emily Bronte would think of plans to celebrate her 200th birthday. The bizarre scenario has sparked real debate about elitism and sexism in Britain.
Posted: 2018-01-11 01:03:44
A male crew member on the 2014 tour of the Rocky Horror Show tells police that the show's star, Craig McLachlan, indecently assaulted him backstage and groped a female crew member several times.
Posted: 2018-01-11 00:52:40
Lydia Hantke transformed herself for the first time on the TV show The Biggest Loser. She then had to do it all over again after having a baby. This is her story.
Posted: 2018-01-10 23:12:19
There was a time when washing your hair — and waiting for it to dry — was seen as a perfectly acceptable excuse to decline an invitation out. Naturally, the French, with their impeccable sense of style, were the first to come up with a solution.
Posted: 2018-01-10 21:43:01
The Oscar-winning actor issues a pre-emptive denial of a sexual misconduct accusation by a former employee, saying he wanted to get ahead of a potential story being investigated by Hollywood publications.
Posted: 2018-01-10 18:35:19
A driver on a TV production and a tanning salon worker are the latest women to come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Rocky Horror star Craig McLachlan.
Posted: 2018-01-10 07:18:13
The producers of the Rocky Horror Show have publicly apologised after the ABC and Fairfax put questions to them about two more cast members who allege complaints about bullying and intimidation were ignored.
Posted: 2018-01-10 06:02:32
One of the women to accuse Craig McLachlan of indecent assault and sexual harassment says she has received social media messages from people saying "they hope I get raped", but that "the amount of love is drowning them out".
Posted: 2017-12-28 05:12:39
A man is accused of beating to death "spinning legend" and champion of the Byron Bay dance music scene Chris Bradley in an attack on Christmas Day.
Posted: 2017-12-28 00:58:51
If you're heading to Falls Festival at Marion Bay this year, this is what your waste will be turned into.
Posted: 2017-12-27 22:24:16
A secret affair, a royal snub and a bullied prince — season two of The Crown makes some intriguing claims about the Royal family and their lives in the late 1950s. Here's what you can believe and what is fiction.
Posted: 2017-12-27 21:01:16
When I was 11, my dad returned my Christmas Game Boy because I played it too much. I never imagined we'd bond over video games, writes Paul Verhoeven.
Posted: 2017-12-27 12:51:14
Israel's ambassador to New Zealand is asking Lorde to meet with him after she cancelled her show in Tel Aviv amid calls from pro-Palestinian activists to boycott Israel.
Posted: 2017-12-27 02:12:06
80-year-old Patricia Joyce died soon after fulfilling a lifelong ambition to visit Sydney. Now her family wants help finding her holiday photos.
Posted: 2017-12-27 00:53:51
Struggling retailer Oroton will be sold to major shareholder Will Vicars, in a deal which will see the 79-year-old Australian handbag and accessories icon continue to trade.
Posted: 2017-12-26 22:00:02
Jumping into a mass of sweaty, swaying people can be a wonderful experience, but there are some rules you need to know before joining a mosh pit.
Posted: 2017-12-26 04:00:22
British actor Jodie Whittaker steps into the TARDIS for the first time as part of Doctor Who's Christmas special. Warning — spoilers inside!
Posted: 2017-12-26 02:45:21
The Boxing Day Test is a relatively new "tradition" but long may it unite the nation during our languid holiday celebration, writes Catherine McGregor.