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Posted: 2024-05-08 05:58:34

It's Pay Day! The ABC's new column where we ask Australians the money questions we don't like to talk about. We aim to demystify personal finance and normalise conversations about what we earn and how we save it — or spend it.

Michael Ko is a finance content creator who has more than 15,000 subscribers on YouTube. His channel focuses on how to create and grow passive income streams via the stock market, real estate and other methods.

For Pay Day, Michael shares the money advice he would give to his younger self — avoid any form of "bad" debt and invest early and consistently to secure a financially comfortable future.

How would you describe your financial situation right now?

I would broadly say my financial situation is quite good and comfortable. I'm able to access all of the necessities and most of my desired non-necessities.

How was money spoken about in your house growing up?

We didn't really directly talk about money much in my family. I do think I was lucky though that there wasn't any really "bad" financial practices that I observed or learned growing up. I was mainly told to not waste money and save as much as possible, and to work towards getting a house as quickly as I could.

What did you spend your first pay cheque on?

My first job was as a casual worker at Woolies and my pay cheque wouldn't have been very much. I probably ended up spending some of it on lunch, or a movie ticket.

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